What they would do for your birthday.

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(Again nothing. Maybe give you flowers and sex, but I'll feed all your delusions.)
He would wake you up and give you the flowers. He would go through the school day like a normal day and then instead of dinner in the great hall that day, he would sneak you to the chamber and set up a picnic there. You would eat and then he would take you back to his dorm where he would give you your remaining presents and then probably have sex with you. 😚✌😏🥵


Would wake you up with breakfast in bed and the flowers. He would be touching you all day in some way. At lunch he would give you another present and would take you out for dinner that evening and a nice fancy restaurant. And would give you the 3rd present then. Then would take you back to his dorm and do whatever you want that night. 🥵😏


Would wake you up early and take you for a breakfast picnic at the black lake. Would give you all of  your presents then beacsue let's be real he cant wait to give them to you. He would be showering you with love and affection all day and would probably carry you everywhere. Would take you for a walk later that day and then in the evening would take you to his dorm and rail you. 😏🥵


You would probably wake up before him. When he did wake up he gave you morning cuddles and let you skip classes that day and take you shopping down Hogsmade all day. Rich boy fr. 💰💰. He would give you your presents in the evening and then make you try on all the clothes you brought that day infront of him. Then would probs fuvk you all night 😚🥵


Would wake you up and probably shove your presents in your face becasue he was so excited. You would go to class but he would be showing affection all day. In the evening he would take you out for dinner. He would then take you on a nice walk and then take you to his dorm to fuck you till the sun comes up. 🥵😏


Would wake you up early and take you on a walk where he would give you one of your presents. He would show love and affection towards you all day. In the evening he would take you to dinner and give you the rest of your presents. He would then take you to his dorm and let you do whatever you want to him all night long. 😏

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