They find out your pregnant

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You woke up and ran straight to the toilet throwing up. Tom was right behind you holding your hair.
"Are you ok Princess"
"Yeah" you said. After you were finished he placed you on the bathroom counter and then tied you and the bathroom up. This went on for days. A week later you were talking to Pansy about it when she suggested a pregnancy test. You decided it was your best shot so you went out and brought one. You hoped to god you wernt pregnant. You knew Tom didnt want kids. You took the test while Tom was at work, you waited and waited for that test. You finally turned it over. Two lines. You were pregnant. You took two more just to be safe all of them read positive. You didnt want to get rid of the baby but you knew Tom would want you to. You just sat there and balled your eyes out. A couple hours later Tom came hole from work. You were crying so much you didnt hear him walk into the bathroom. You had already his the test in your pocket. He crouched down next to you and held you.
"What's wrong baby" you didnt say anything you just pulled out the test.
He looked at it cautiously
"Why are you crying"
"C.casue you s..said you did..not want and...I.. I d..dont want to g..get r..rid of it." You sobbed out.
He just pulled you closer.
"Then dont" he whispered
"If you want to keep it. Keep it"
"Are you gonna leave me"
"The war is over my dad is dead. I know I said I dint want kids but I would rather have them with you than anyone else" you laughed and hugged him.


You and Pansy decided to take pregnancy tests as a joke. She went in first and obviously came out negative. When you went in your patiently waited for the results. Now that you thought about it you have missed your period for two months. You didnt think anything of it until now. When you turned over the results it read. 2 lines. You ran out and showed Pansy.
"Wtf" she said in shock "take anouther" you took two more. They both read positive. Tou started to panic. What if Matteo didnt want kids. Your not even married yet. You have never even spoken about them. Pansy calmed you down and then you walked home with all 3 tests in your pocket. When you got home you were greeted with a big hug from Matteo.
"Hey baby" he said
"Hi" you said weakly. He moved his hands down to your ass and felt the tests. When he pulled then out, you tried to get them back but he was much stronger and taller than you. You eventually gave up and let him look at them.
"A...are these pregnancy tests" he asked
"A..and there positive"
"Yeah" you both stood in silence for a while, while he started at the tests.
"I'm...gonna be a dad" he said after a while. "IM GONNA BE A DAD" he screamed again. He dropped the tests and picked you up spinning me around. He dropped you on the couch and dropped to his knees. He then listed up your top and started kissing your stomach.
"I love you both so much"


You always knew Dray wanted kids. But you thought it was a bit early. You were only 20. When you missed your period 3 times you decided to take a test. 2 lines. You were in shock. You were so safe how is that even possible. You walked out in shock. Draco could see the look on your face. He knew something was wrong.
"Hey baby you ok" he said walking up to you. You ddint know how to tell him. You left the test in the bathroom so you just shook your head and lied down on the bed. He came up behind you and hugged you.
"It'll be ok get some rest" you then fell asleep in his arms. The next morning you woke up to Draco shaking you. When you opened your eyes you saw the test in his hands.
"Is this what you were sad about yesterday" you slowly nodded your head. He placed the test down and pulled you onto his lap.
"Why were you sad"
"C..cause I d..didnt know..I.. if you wanted I.. keep it b..but d..didnt want to..get r..rid of it" you sobbed out.
"Hey hey calm down" he pulled you closer and stoked your back. "Its ok. We're gonna keep it"
"What? But arnt we to young?"
"No. We have stable jobs a good house. I love you"
"I love you to" he pulled me closer. A few minutes later he jumped up and yelled.
"IM GONNA BE A FUCKING DAD" he then kissed you. He dropped to his knees and kissed your stomach.
"I promise I'll be a better father than mine was"


You was feeling really sick lately. Blaise could tell. So he decided to but you a pregnancy test. He brought you into the bathroom and forced you to take it. Even though you said you wouldn't be. After you took it you left it on the side and he pulled you into his lap.
"What if I am" you asked.
"Then we have a baby"
"We're 19. I don't think I'll be able to do this"
"Yes. Yes you can"
"No I cant"
"I'll be there for you the whole time and we'll raise this baby together"
"I might not even be" you said. Suddenly my the time went off.
"I cant look you do it" you said. Blaise took it off while you closed your eyes.
You heard him let out a sigh.
"What" you opened your eyes to see him smiling. You looked and saw 2 lines.
"Oh god"
"Hey hey hey" you felt his hand on your tummy. "Its gonna be ok"
He started to pepper kiss my neck.
"I love you. I cant believe I'm gonna be a dad"
I laughed.
"And you're gonna be a mum" he told me. "The best mum ever"


You missed your period but you thought nothing of it. When you started to throw up every morning you decided to go talk to your sister.
"Do you think your pregnant?" She said.
"No. No way we've been so careful"
"Might wanna check" you went to the shop and brought a few pregnancy tests. When you went home you took the tests. While all 3 were setting you heard Theo come in.
"Hey baby what are you doing in her-"
He stopped when he saw the tests on the side. He dropped to his knees.
"I'm not to sure. I'm just checking"
"Why do you think you are"
"I missed my period and I've been having morning sickness"
The timer went off and he grabbed the tests. He showed the first one. 2 lines. He smiled
"Check the others" 2 lines. 2 lines.
He smiled and hugged me.
"YES YES YES" he picked me up and spun me around. "WE'RE GINNA BE PARENTS" he yelled even more. You laughed and he put you down. He then kissed me and my tummy.


You found our you were pregnant a week ago. You were 18 and Enzo was 19. You didnt know how he was gonna take it. Him being him noticed you wernt yourself. One night you were lying in bed when he hugged you from behind. He tried to squeeze you but you got worried about the baby so you pushed him off.
"Have I done something wrong?" He asked.
"No. No its just-" you trailed off.
"Tell me whats wrong baby"
"I'm......pregnant" his smile grew wide and the next thing you k ow his lips were on yours.
"Really?" You nodded. He buried his head under your T-shirt.
"Hey little guy. I'm your dad. I love you so much and so does your mum. We are gonna be the best parents for you." He then moved back up and pepper kissed you face.
"I love you"
"I love you to" he then hugged you. Lightly this time.

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