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Ok so I have no clue why some of you cant see the 'Gc messages pt.7' I am working on it. For those of you who cant im just gonna give you a run down of basically what happened so you know what happened for the next   bit. Because this part is quite important.

Ok so basically y/n found Blaise and Draco making out at astronomy tower. They then told the group chat what they saw. Blasie and Draco admitted to the group that they were  dating. We then find out that Astoria likes Draco but Draco is already taken.   

Then for the first time ever. Blaise and Draco say 'I love you'   to eachother. Then they all go three broomsticks like the whole group.

Ok so that's the run down, I'm gonna try and fix the problem dw. xx

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