Chapter 3: Where Is Spottedkit?

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I awoke that morning with a feeling of dread pooling in my stomach. I quickly sat up and ran out of the cave and ran to find Spottedkit. 'She must be up already.' I thought to myself as I ran to the edge of our territory.

But to my dismay, she was no where to be seen. I looked everywhere that I could think of, in the forest, in the dirt place and even in the medicine den. Growing panicky, I ran to find my mom and dad, maybe they can help me find Spottedkit.

'Wait... No! I don't want to worry them. I'll go out and look for her myself, maybe she went for a walk and got lost in the Pine Forest.' I thought, trying to reassure myself and trying to stay positive at the same time.

My heart pounds in my chest. My breathing is heavy. My paws are moving quicker than a lightning bolt. As I ran through the Pine Forest in a panic. I knew I might be caught by one of HeatherClan's cats, but I didn't care, I just wanted to find Spottedkit.

As I kept on running, I wondered if this was all just a bad dream, I wondered if I would wake up any moment to Spottedkit telling me that it was just all a bad dream, so I pinched my claw into my paw, it drew blood and stained my paw crimson, but that only made me even more terrified, that meant that I wasn't dreaming, Spottedkit was really missing and I need to find her ASAP.

'Did one of the other Clan's take her? No! No! They couldn't have. But who else could have taken her?' Bile rose in my throat as a terrifying thought popped into my head. 'What if Spottedkit was taken by a Twoleg? Those spindly furless legs. Give me the major creeps.' I came to a scratching halt as I emptied the contents of my stomach in a nearby bush. I chocked and gagged as salty tears rolled down my face and wet my fur.


I struggled in the grip of the Twoleg, this twoleg was to small to be an adult, so my first guess was that this Twoleg was a child. Still, those hairless two legs gave me the creeps.

"BLUEKIIITTT!" I meowed, raising my head and yowling to the sky, hoping and praying to StarClan that my best friend would hear my cries for help.

'STARCLAN, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!' I thought, as I continued struggling to escape from the grip of the Twoleg child.

It was my fault that I got caught in the first place. I had wondered to far from the forest, I had gotten mad at my mother and ran off to calm myself down, and then I realized to late that I had wondered to far from the forest.


I smiled widely when I finally ran up the driveway to my house. The little kitten that I had found was meowing and struggling to free itself from my arms.

'The poor thing was probably scared to death, where was it's mother?' I thought as I worriedly looked down at the small tortoiseshell kitten that had finally calmed down.

Once I entered my house, I ran into the kitchen where my mother, Zelda, was cooking dinner. My father, Rusl, was sitting at the table reading a newspaper, and my two younger sisters, Fi and Marin were sitting at the table chatting about who knows what.

"Hey, Mom! Dad! Guess what? I found a kitten while Ali was outside playing in the forest." I say, and both of my parents look up in surprise.

"You did, let me guess." My mother said, smelling at me with a knowing look on her face.

"You want to keep her, am I right?" She asks, and I nod my head in response.

"Can I mom? Please? I'll take care of it and I'll give it food and fresh water everyday." I say, staring at my parents with pleating sapphire blue eyes. My parents look to each other then they turn back to me with bright smiles on their faces.

"Yes, you can keep the kitten Saria" My mother says, and I let out an excited squeal.

"What are you going to name her Saria?" Fi asks, looking up at me with wide eyes. I smiled brightly and say a name that I've always wanted to name a cat.

"I'll call her Spottedleaf" I say, looking down at the little kitten in my arms. As I did this, I took notice of the fact Spottedleaf was looking up at me when she heard her name. I blinked in confusion and I tilted my head in a mix of curiosity and utter confusion. 'Huh? Is it just me, or is the way Spottedleaf is staring at me almost seems as if the name I had given her was the name that she was given by her own mother and father when she was born.' I thought to myself with an amused smile on my face.

"What made you think of that name Saria?" Fi asked, staring up at me with wide blue eyes. I smiled softly at Fi and with a small laugh, I answered her question.

"Well Fi, for the first part of her name, Spotted, well, it's simple really. She's a tortoiseshell cat with darker brown patches in her fur. And the second part of her name, leaf, well, she had leaves in her fur when I found her. So I thought it made a lot of sense, Spottedleaf also sounds really adorable for a cat" I explained, staring at Fi and Marin, who were both wide-eyed.


I blinked and looked up the Twoleg child who I now knew was named Saria. She had called me Spottedleaf, I could tell that there was confusion shining in her eyes when I had looked up at her after she had said my name.

'Saria seems really sweet and kind, but I want to go back home. I don't want to become a Kittypet. I want to become a medicine cat with Bluekit like we had promised each other we would do together.' I sighed and stared at the other Twolegs in the room, I had nothing better to do, I just hope that Bluekit finds me soon.

As I looked around the large room, I noticed that all of the Twolegs in this family have blue eyes. So do all Twolegs have blue eyes? I wondered as I was sat down gently on the floor by Saria. I boll full of food sat in front of me, I sniffed it curiously, this must be what Kittypet's eat. I mused as I slowly opened my mouth and took a small bite of the food. To my surprise, I found it to be way better tasting than what I had been told by my mother.

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