Chapter 2: Promises and Dirt Fights

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There will be two new characters introduced in this chapter. Their names are Hopekit and Tempestkit. I hope you will enjoy this chapter, no pun intended there, Hope is my actual name in real life by the way, tee hee! Anyways, back on track. Now, without further ado, let's take flight.

Spottedkit stares at me with a heavily annoyed look on her face as I swept up the herbal leaves that had been scattered onto the floor. An injured, blind kit named Hopekit, had accidentally knocked over the jar that contained the herbal treatment, and we were stuck cleaning it up, Hopekit had offered to help, but Leafpool and Cinderpaw shooed her away. Another kit, Tempestkit, had offered to help as well, and in order to avoid being shooed away, she hid under one of the medical tables.

I sigh softly to myself as I continued to sweep up the leaves. I'm six moons today, cleaning the medicine den isn't even the worst punishment. The WORST punishment is my apprentice ceremony getting pushed back two moons. STUPID, BRATTY little Ivykit is gonna be an apprentice before me.

"You know what, Spottedkit? I'm thinking about becoming a Medicine cat when I get older." I said once I had safely put the glass jar back on the wooden table. Spottedkit just stared at me in confusion.

"What?" I asked, staring at her with confused eyes. She just laughed and replied after a few moments of silence.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised, that's all. You know, we could both train to be medicine cats!" Spottedkit replied with a wide grin on her face.

"But I thought your dream was to become a strong warrior so that you can help out the Clan?" I said, staring at my friend with wide icy blue eyes.

"I can change my mind when I want to. And mom can't say anything about it, nore can dad." Spottedkit says proudly, staring at me with shining eyes. I smiled and we touched our front paws together.

"Let's do it together then! You me and me both work hard to become medicine cats!" I say and Spottedkit nods her head with a bright smile on her face.

"If I remember correctly, don't Wildkit and Willowkit want to be medicine cats as well?" Spottedkit asks, and I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Psst, Tempestkit, you can come out now." I whisper, and out comes a small kit with red-brown fur and emerald green eyes. She is very mischievous and she snuck out of camp a lot, she probably got that from me and Spottedkit.

"Can I help you guys clean up the dirt?" Tempestkit asks and both me and Spottedkit just stair wide eyed at her.

"W-what?" I asked, blinking in shock and Tempestkit just smiled cheekily at me and Spottedkit.


I snickered to myself as I kicked some dirt at Willowkit. We had also snuck out of camp a few days before Nightkit and Shadowkit had. We were not given as harsh of a punishment because we were still learning the place.

"AGGHH. NOT COOL, WILDKIT!" Willowkit yells, and she kicks some dirt in my mouth. I choked and spit out the dirt. She snickers and I frown, and tackle her, bathing us both in dirt. Of course THAT'S when Moonlily decides to show up. Couldn't have been five minutes earlier when we weren't both completely covered in dirt?

"WILDKIT. WILLOWKIT. WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING.? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" I groan, and wonder what punishment will be added on to our already disgusting punishment. We both stood to our paws when we heard Moonlily.

"Well, Mom, what did you want us to do? The dirt just composts anyway! The only thing it's useful for is to get us covered in dirt!" I say, as Willowkit starts laughing and soon me and mom were to.

"Stop playing in the dirt! Bluekit and Spottedkit are already finished cleaning up the medicine den, so I suggest you two hurry up if you want to go out and play with them." Moonlily says, sweeping her gaze over both of us, we were covered in dirt and Bluekit and Spottedkit's mom did not look happy.


I awoke the next morning to Bluekit licking the tuft of fur on my head. We had stayed up late last night helping Wildkit and Willowkit clean up the dirt in our father's den. It was a mess, and both Wildkit and Willowkit were both covered in dirt.

"Hey, you still have some dirt on your paws." Bluekit says, smiling cheekily up at me as I slowly stretched out my paws.

"Back off buster" I say, batting her away playfully with a dirt-covered paw, she yelps and jumps back with a hiss.

"AGGHH! NOT COOL, SPOTTEDKIT!" Bluekit shrieks, tackling me to the ground. We both land in the grass rolling for a bit before we finally came to a stop.

"BLUEKIT. SPOTTEDKIT. WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" We both stood to our paws when we heard Moonlily.

"Mom. Chill. We were just playing." I replied with a small laugh, but our mom doesn't look amused in the slightest.

"YOU TWO ARE COVERED IN DIRT. GO CLEAN UP AND GET READY FOR BREAKFAST!" Moonlily yells, sweeping her gaze over both of us as she turns and walks away in a huff.

"Man, that's one way to ruin your birthday." I remarked to Bluekit, who just scowls at me. I just shook my head and laughed quietly at Bluekit.

"Shut up, Spottedkit." She says, she was clearly still annoyed at me for throwing dirt at her. I sighed and stared at Bluekit with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry for throwing dirt on you, Bluekit." I say, and she just huffs and turns her head away, but not for long, she turns back to me a few seconds later with a cheeky grin on her face. Then she turns around and throws a clump of dirt in my face, and the dirt fight starts all over again.

"Mom is going to kill us." Bluekit said, after we had thrown so much dirt that we were covered in more then when our mother had yelled at us earlier.

"We better go and get cleaned up for real this time, we wouldn't want mom yelling at us again now would we?" I remarked, with a small laugh as me and Bluekit head to the lake to get cleaned up.

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