~*~|| Glossary ||~*~

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1. Swami - A form of addressing one's husband / sometimes used for addressing a master of higher social standing 

2. Devi - Goddess / sometimes used for addressing a lady of higher social standing

3. Jagatmata - The Mother of the World, alias for Goddess Parvati 

4.Dharmarajya - The Kingdom established according to the edicts of Dharma

5.Mahadeva/Bholenaath/Kailashnatha/Shambhu/Nataraja - Names of Lord Shiva

6. Ardhaang - Way of addressing one's other half (husband)

7.Narayana/Palanhara - Names of Lord Vishnu

8.Kailash Parvat - The Kailasha mountains, the abode of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati

9. Mataa Gauri/Adi Shakti/Mahishasura Mardini/Shakti - Names of Goddess Parvati

10. Priye - Beloved

11.Aryavarta - The abode of the Aryans, or Bharatvarsha [Ancient India]

12. Devaloka - The abode of the Gods

Apprehension - Chapter 1

1. Kurukshetra - The name of the battlefield where the Great War of Mahabharata was fought

2. Maham mahim - A way of addressing a great man (here Bheeshma)

3. Maharathi - One of the highest ranking given to a warrior of the Dwapar yuga 

4. Parashurama - Incarnation of Lord Krishna

5. Pitamaha - grandfather 

6. Madriputras - Madri's sons (Nakula and Sahadeva)

7. Dharmaraja - The King of Dharma, alias of Yudhishtira

8. Vrikodhara - Another name of Bheema

9. Phalguna/Dhananjaya/ Partha/Savyasachi - Names of Arjuna

10. Kaunteya/Kuntiputra - The son of Kunti

11. Indraprastha - The Capital of the Kingdom of the Pandavas

12. Jyestha - A form of addressing older brother

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