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Hello folks! This is my rendition of the events of the epic of Mahabharata but with a massive twist

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Hello folks! This is my rendition of the events of the epic of Mahabharata but with a massive twist. I have tried keeping some of the facts as close to the original BORI edition as possible but some may have been influenced by the popular media versions and the extensive folklore surrounding it. The rest is of course my imagination. 

I am an avid reader of all things mythological, so needless to say that Mahabharata is my favourite prose form, from our ancient literary texts. I love the characterisations and different interpolations of the same group of people and events, that many have come up with. 

So this particular work might be harsh to digest at times. If any of you ever find it within your time, go through my other works on the Epic, you will see, I am specifically merciless with declaring my opinion on these characters. I will be brutal at times and most probably highly controversial. 

But these will be my opinions merely, mark my words. 

I have and will never force my interpretation of this on anyone. 

If you disagree on anything, feel free to do so. 

I love getting feedback and will highly value your constructive criticism on my writing. But let me make this very clear, I will not tolerate bashing of any kind, so please do not start a circus with anyone in my comments section. You are all welcome to give your opinions but lets all be civil about this. 

I am saying this again, this won't be everyone's cup of tea so proceed at your own caution and will. Having said this, I will welcome intelligent debate and argument of every kind. 

Also there might be graphic scenes later and the work can get the mature tag. We will see where the flow takes us. Till then it is fine for any and all age groups. 

This work will be focused on Arjuna and his interpersonal relationships with everyone in his life. He is the central character and the protagonist which I am sure you have already gotten an idea of, from the summary. 

But I would reiterate again, these characterisations are my opinion. I have not claimed them to be the truth. 

Also, do not try to copy anything. The dialogue or plotlines or aesthetics or banners. Everything is my original work and I will take action if I see anything plagiarised without my explicit consent. 

Welcome all and hopefully, some of you will stick around. 

Thank you for visiting. 


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ViraahHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin