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               A raven arrived in Winterfell in the morning, this one told us the death of Jon Arryn, the King's Hand. He was a faithful friend of my father, a father figure. Everyone who once spoke to me praised him. He was a good man, that's what we must remember.

               But good man does not mean intelligent man. What I question is not really his intelligence but rather his critical sense. Because I'm sure he didn't die of natural causes. Jon Arryn was old, I grant you, he could have died of old age— But he was the Hand of the King! No Hand has died of old age since... The septon Barth, under Jaehaeys 1st. I simply believe in an assassination.

               Fortunately for me and my little investigation, the king arrives in Winterfell! He, his wife, their three children and everything that follows. I look forward to meeting King Robert. My father described him as a man of honor on whose side he fought to save the country from the Mad King. Jory told me about an alcoholic who spends his time surrounded by whores. I also look forward to meeting the Lannisters. Cersei, the queen, is described as the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros. Her brother, Jaime, as the most beautiful man, but also the best sword. Their little brother, Tyrion, is apparently a deformed and evil beast. Although I'd rather believe those who say he's smart and interesting.


               The other thing that happened to us this morning was the finding of my brothers. A deserter from the Wall was brought back to Winterfell and, by law, my father had to execute him. He insisted that my brothers come with him and on the way back they found seven cubs that we were allowed to keep. Three females, four males. If I remember all of them.... Arya's is called Nymeria, like the queen who conquered Dorne. Sansa, unsurprisingly, called her wolf "Lady". "Grey Wind" for Robb, "Summer" for Bran, and "Shaggy Dog" for Rickon. Mine, with its brown coat, is called "Arrow". She's not going to be easy to educate, but I run it well.

               I told you about seven wolves and I only presented six. I know! No panic. The last one is Jon's, our bastard brother. Up north, the bastards are named after Snow, and which I don't think is a coincidence, the last cub in the litter is all white. He gave it the name "Ghost".


               Sitting on my bed, Arrow sitting in front of me, looking at me with big eyes, I try to make him understand how to sit. She would rather bark than obey. When I told you that her education would not be simple...

               The door to my room opens, revealing Theon. Theon has been living with us for ten years now, his father, Balon Greyjoy, gave him to my father as a token of his good faith. We have been living for two years a rather strange relationship that I have difficulty defining. I would not say that I am in love with him, but he is. And for now, our escapades suit me well.

- Diana, your parents are waiting, he says with a smile.

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