Chapter 20

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While the Hanazono Sisters surrounded him as they around like vicious wolves, Koki took it nice and slow as he crawled close to the beaten Shintaro and tried shaking him up. "Hey, you still with me?" he quietly said to him. It only took him a few seconds, but finally Shintaro came through. Though, his teammate was still dazed after taken a beating.

Shintaro scanned the situation. "Hey, where's Taishō?" he said, concerned.

Koki pointed to the building he crashed. Naotaka - their Taishō - was apparently taken down by the Hanazono Sisters, so Koki told him. That left Shintaro flabbergasted. He could not believe what he just witnessed. Then with growing determination, they saw this as not the end all be all. Even with their leader down, they decided with keep on fighting until the bitter end.

Amano just came out of hiding and decided to assist the samurai. Koki begging him to go back and hide, but Amano refused. He was willing to fight alongside with them, even if it would kill him.

The samurai stared at him in discomfort. Amano had proven back there he was not strong enough to defeat the Hanazono Sisters and possibly anyone in the Lightning Meteor Covenant, but his bravery made them think otherwise. They decided to allow it, but urged him not to go too far. Amano agreed, and the three were ready to fight.

Koki slashed away with his sword, Shintaro with his fire and even Amano. They were more focused on attacking, but it was not enough to get the sisters. Still, it was even hard for the sisters as well. The men would attack nonstop and with vigour, not giving their opponents to the chance to hit back.

Koharu was busy with Shintaro, and Serika was ready to attack Koki. Then Amano came at her behind and bind her tight with his arms, stopping her from ever moving.

"Hurry!" Amano yelled to Koki. "Now's your chance! Hit her!"

A random Covenant entered the battle and shot away with his light at Amano at his rear. Amano was hurt and Serika broke free and knocked him down to the ground with a strong kick.

Katsuji came out of hiding, yelling in anger for concern of his friend in danger. Kawada even joined in. The entire rally of Meteor Artists, Fire and Earth, had stepped out of hiding with a loud battlecry. Then the Lightning Meteor Covenant army entered the battle in response.

Koki was astonished. All the Artists decided to come out and fight. It was duty to protect them, but now everything was no longer going according to plan. But then he stared into the eyes of his protectees, they were filled with strength and determination, either the beasts within them had awaken. They were so docile when Naotaka, the leading samurai, was still standing, and everything was going their way, they were so docile. But now the situation had turned upside down. On this dreadful moment, they had no choice but to bring out the beasts within. It was the only way to get out. It was probably in their instinct to do so. The means to survive.

The fight had turned bloody and chaotic as Meteor Artists in both sides fired away with their magic. The battle was a storm of rocks, fire and lightning. Koki had to bring out the dragon and swept the Lightning Artists away from his protectees. He brought out the dragon claws and swung with the dragon's tail and even used the dragon's head to bash away. His heart and lungs started to ache him, and he was unable to control his breath or if any.

More of them kept coming, and Koki spun around with the slash of his blade and the dragon he drew out but struggled to hold his ground as he wanted to. He got dizzier the more he fend off his opponents and protect his allies. His mind was weary and everything went fuzzy. It was hard to tell where he was facing, but he saw the black, blurry spots. They were enough to tell him they were the uniforms of his enemies. He slashed away whenever they came closer.

Meteor Arts SagaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora