giving birth (Jisoo x reader)

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Jisoo held Y/N's hand tightly as they rushed to the hospital. They had been waiting for this moment for so long, going through the ups and downs of the IVF process, and now it was finally time for their baby to arrive.

Y/N was in labor, her contractions coming fast and strong. She tried to stay calm, but the pain was intense, and she couldn't help but feel scared. Jisoo tried to comfort her, whispering words of encouragement and reassurance.

"It's going to be okay, Y/N," Jisoo said, squeezing her hand gently. "We're almost there, and soon we'll get to meet our baby."

Y/N nodded, trying to focus on the thought of holding their baby in her arms. But as they arrived at the hospital and she was wheeled into the delivery room, her fear grew. What if something went wrong? What if she couldn't do this?

But Jisoo was there, by her side, holding her hand and offering her strength. The doctors and nurses were also there, guiding her through each contraction and reassuring her that everything was going according to plan.

With Jisoo's steady gaze locked on hers, Y/N bore down with all her might. The room seemed to fade away as she focused every ounce of her being on the task at hand. Time lost all meaning as she pushed through the pain, each contraction bringing her one step closer to the moment she had been longing for.

And then, in a rush of relief and euphoria, their baby was born. Y/N collapsed back against the pillows, her body trembling with exhaustion and relief as tears streamed down her face. Jisoo leaned in to kiss her forehead, her own eyes shining with tears of joy.

"You did it, Y/N," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Our baby is here."

As Y/N cradled their newborn in her arms, a wave of exhaustion washed over her. The adrenaline that had sustained her through the birth began to ebb, leaving her feeling weak and drained. She tried to sit up, to show Jisoo their baby, but her strength failed her, and she slumped back against the pillows.

Jisoo's eyes widened in alarm as Y/N's head lolled to the side, her breathing shallow and uneven. "Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?" Jisoo's voice was frantic as she gently shook Y/N's shoulder, trying to rouse her.

The doctors and nurses hurried over, their faces etched with concern. They quickly assessed the situation, checking Y/N's vitals and monitoring her condition. After a tense moment, one of the doctors spoke up.

"She's just exhausted," the doctor reassured Jisoo, her voice calm and reassuring. "It's not uncommon after a long labor. Her body just needs some rest."

Jisoo felt a wave of relief wash over her as she listened to the doctor's words. She reached out to gently stroke Y/N's cheek, relief flooding her heart as she felt the warmth of her skin beneath her fingertips.

"You scared me there, Y/N," Jisoo murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "But you're going to be okay. We're all here for you."

Y/N stirred, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly regained consciousness. She blinked up at Jisoo, a weak smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice hoarse from exertion. "I just... I'm so tired."

Jisoo leaned down to press a gentle kiss to Y/N's forehead. "Don't apologize, Y/N," she whispered. "You just gave birth to our beautiful baby. You're allowed to be tired."

As Y/N settled back against the pillows, Jisoo stayed by her side, never once letting go of her hand. In that moment, as they gazed down at their sleeping newborn, Jisoo knew that their lives would never be the same again. And she couldn't wait to embark on this new journey of parenthood with Y/N by her side.


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