Chapter 4

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~Princess Adeline's POV~

I couldn't help but feel really frustrated when Ambassador Harcourt spoke. He didn't seem to believe in me and it showed in the way he looked at me. His doubts were like a heavy cloud in the room , making it hard for me stay focused. 

The dining hall was filled with an air of anticipation as the ambassadors gathered for a crucial discussion about my suitability as the future queen.  I know getting their trust and respects of these Ambassadors isn't easy but I'll do anything to get their trust and respect and I'll let them realize that I am fit to be a Queen. 

" Princess Adeline , as what Ambassador Renaldi said, studying books and listening to advisors cannot replace the experience of true relationship. We need someone who has proven themselves capable of leading our kingdom. We cannot entrust the future of the people to someone who simply thinks ruling a kingdom is as easy as it is written in the books" 

His words lingered in the room, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty. The other ambassadors agreed, their soft disapproving whispers filling the air. Each ambassador took their turn to express their worries, sharing their individual reasons why they believed the princess was not fit to be a queen. 

Then Ambassador Reynolds, an experience diplomat known for his skeptical look, took his turn to speak. " Your Highness, I understand that your intentions are good but being a ruler goes beyond just having knowledge from books. It requires real-life experience, the ability to make difficult choices and the strength to confront the challenges that leadership brings. We are concerned that you may not have the necessary skills to handle the complexities of our kingdom" 

Ambassador Chen, renowned for his  diplomatic finesse, added his thoughts in a calm and calculated manner.

" Princess Adeline, it's important  to note that relying solely on the advice of advisors and the opinions of people is not sufficient. A genuine leader have experience on how to take one obstacle to another. We have concerns that without this experience , you may struggle to effectively address the diverse needs and the problems for the people in your kingdom" 

As the negative comments kept  poring in, I struggled to keep my cool. I listened attentively to each ambassador's criticism, my eyes scanning the room, desperate searching for any sign of support in the midst of all the doubt. 

The weight of their words felt like a heavy burden but I refused to let it break me. Instead , with each negative remark made my determination grew stronger, feeling a fire inside of me to prove them all wrong. I knew that deep down I have what it takes to be an incredible queen, even if they couldn't see it just yet.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage and faced the ambassadors with unwavering determination. " I hear your concerns , esteemed ambassadors and I truly value your opinions. However, I strongly believe that leadership cannot be solely determined by past experiences. It encompasses having a clear vision, being adaptable and having the ability to inspire and bring our people together. While I may not have had the chance to rule a kingdom before, I have gained valuable insights from our advisors, delved into our land's history and listened attentively to the voices of our people , my people. I am fully committed to earning your trust and respect through my actions and unwavering dedication to our kingdom" 

I said with the look of determination on my face. My words hung in the air , a defiant stance amidst the sea of doubt. The room fell into silence, the ambassadors pondering my response. It was a pivotal moment , a make-or-break point in my journey to prove myself. As the seconds ticked by, the ambassadors exchanged glances, their expressions softening ever so lightly. Perhaps there was a glimmer of hope, a flicker of belief in my potential. Only time would reveal if I could win them over and dispel their doubts. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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