Chapter - 3

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Finally Jungkook's movie shooting is over.
Seokjin tells him about an advertisement offer. It was an offer from a very big company. This offer can be proved really good for his career.

Jungkook and Seokjin went to the company to discuss the contract.
Jungkook says, "I still can't believe that such a big company wants to work with me."
Seokjin says, "Get habitual with all this. You are slowly getting popularity. Many people have started following you after Eunji has practically declared you as her brother. Don't underestimate her influence. The small background clips which the production team is releasing to promote your upcoming movie are also playing a big role."
Jungkook says, "But I still can't believe I am getting this much popularity suddenly."
Seokjin says, "It's like this only in the entertainment industry. You can become famous really quickly if you get a good opportunity. But this is also the time where people try to defame you. So you need to be very careful. If you get involved in any scandal then no one can help you. You don't have any influential background like other big shots. So try to stay away from problems."
Jungkook says, "I understood Hyung. I will keep this in mind."

Jungkook signs the contract with the company.
When he came outside he saw a man glaring at him. Jungkook realises that the man is Kim Young Jin who is also an actor and got popular recently. But Jungkook was confused as he couldn't understand why the man was glaring at him.

Seokjin says, "Ignore him. Initially it was decided that he is going to sign this contract. But the company has changed their mind at the last moment and has chosen you. That's why he is angry right now."
Jungkook says, "It means I snatched this chance from him."
Seokjin says, "You can say that. But in reality in this industry there is nothing like snatching the role. The one who is more popular will eventually get the opportunity. So don't think about him."
Jungkook says, "Ok."

The same night Jungkook and Seokjin have to join the company executives for dinner.
Seokjin got some emergency that's why Jungkook has to go there alone.

Jungkook enters inside the room which Seokjin has told him to. But the scene inside the room was not what he was expecting. People inside were behaving weirdly. Jungkook realises that they are not the company executives. He was about to leave the room but suddenly police officers entered the room.

One of the officers says, "Stay at your position. Don't move. Place the drugs you all have down and stand in a straight line."
Drugs? Jungkook's eyes widen. He very well knows how an artist's career can get completely ruined if he/she gets involve in case of drugs.

Taehyung looks at his phone irritatedly which is ringing continuously. It is Bogum who is calling him again and again. Bogum is the grandson of his grandpa's best friend. So Taehyung and Bogum have known each other since childhood. But Taehyung never liked the other. It would not be wrong to say Taehyung never liked any other child except his siblings and best friend. He was unapproachable since he was a small kid.
While Bogum is like a complete leech trying to stick himself to Taehyung. Taehyung actually wants to kill the other male but holds himself back just because of his grandpa.
Taehyung picks the phone and keeps it on silent mode.

Hoseok enters inside and says, "Sir plane is ready. When will you like to leave?"
Taehyung says, "We are leaving right now."
Hoseok says, "Ok sir. Car is waiting for you outside only."

Special department, Police station
Jungkook is being investigated by an officer.
The officer says, "Accept your crime. You are just a normal person here not some celebrity. So your acting won't work here."
Jungkook again says, "Sir I don't really know what was happening there. I don't even know who those people are. I have no connection with those drug dealers."
Seeing that the officer is not ready to accept that he is saying the truth, Jungkook asks, "Sir! Can I at least call my manager?"
The officer says, "No. Your phone is confiscated."
Jungkook asks, "Then can I call my family members?"
The officer says, "No. You can contact anyone only when you will accept your crime."

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