Chapter 7

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"Over here we have our maid, Nifty!" Charlie spoke, which caught the little maid's attention.

"The bad boy is back, never leave me again!" Nifty spoke creepily, as I backed off.

"We're about eighty percent sure, she's harmless.." Charlie sighed, as I looked at my watch my father has been going crazy.

As I scooted away from everybody, I went on my phone as it is hooked up to it aka paired with it. So I looked at the texts, either he regrets this or is really worried sick.

Vox - Hey sweetie I hope you're okay, please don't let Alastor know you belong to me.

Vox - Text me back soon, look I know you're on a mission but I'm getting worried.

Vox - Hey I saw you on the drone, please stay away from Alastor Missy!

Vox - Okay I can't see you, so please give me a thumbs up or anything to let me know you're okay!!

(Y/n) - Unholy Satan dad, I'm okay I've got Pentious by my side I'll make sure he doesn't fuck it up.

Valentino - Have you seen Angel there?

(Y/n) - Yes Val, he's the same Angel Dust maybe more moody today than usual since Pentious and I showed.

Velvette - Be careful darling, also get your ass back to work I'll keep your father and step father under control! 😂

(Y/n) - Thanks Vel, alright ttyl cya!

As I get off my phone, I go back to Pentious's side.

"And over here we have..." Charlie was saying, until she ran into someone.

"Oh, uh Alastor our gracious facility manager! You've met our newest guests, Sir Pentious and Oaklynn? Heh heh.." Charlie spoke nervously, as Alastor never stopped smiling which creeped me out...

"Ah yes. You're the one who ruined my coat, I definitely remember you now." Alastor spoke devilishly, which I could feel in my other form my hypnotic eye was going crazy.

"Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson: "How to Apologize". The first step to becoming a better person is to admit, when you are wrong! Why don't you give it a try?" Charlie giggled, as she gently pushed Pentious to Alastor.

"Yes, um... Mr. Um... Radio Demon sir, please forgive me for attacking you, and ruining your very lovely coat. Um here.." Pentious spoke, as he gave a little bit of Alastor's coat back to him.

"Oh-ho! Not many people have been able to take this much off of me, it must've meant a lot to you." Alastor snickered, as he sent it on fire as Pentious was internally screaming.

"Oh Charlie, who did you say this fine young lady was?" Alastor asked, suggesting to me which Pentious looked back at me.

"Oh this was Oaklynn!" Charlie smiled, as I softly waved.

"Um hello." I stuttered, which Alastor chuckled.

"Oh calm down my dear, we're on good terms but beware if I figure out anything from you. You'll regret coming here," Alastor smiled widely as I clinged onto Pentious.

As Charlie called us over by the lounge area, I sat on a chair while Sir Pentious sat on the floor beside me. While Angel sat next to Vaggie, and Nifty was off doing creepy maid shit who the fuck knows where. Alastor left, but I think he's still watching me waiting for me to make a mistake...

"Now! With our new residents, I think we should get to know each other! So we are gonna play a little game, everyone follow me!" Charlie smiled, as we all waited for what is to come next.

"My name is Charlie *clap clap*, I like to sing *clap clap*, and when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing *clap clap*!!" Charlie rhymed, as she gestured to Sue Pentious.

"My names Sir Pentious *clap clap*, I like to build *clap clap*, despite my stupid egg bois I think I'm very skilled *clap clap*!!" Pentious tried his best to rhyme, which he did as I was impressed. As Charlie and Pentious gestures to me, I began to shake.

"My names Oaklynn *clap clap*, I like to draw *clap clap*, bake me a pumpkin pie and I'll be your best friend forever *clap clap*!" I giggled, as Charlie's eyes sparkled. Which Pentious looked at me, and smiled. As we all gestured to Angel, who was just on his phone.

"This is stupid.." Angel groaned, which Charlie soften her expression towards Angel.

"This is not stupid *clap clap*, it's just the game *clap clap*, Sir Pentious and Oaklynn did it well so now please, try and do the same *clap clap*!!" Charlie sang, but Angel just looked annoyed.

"I am too sober for this..." Angel sighed, as he facepalmed.

"Well, get used to it and learn how to play. This is gonna be, your whole day *clap clap*!" Vaggie teased, which Angel grunted.

As Charlie got all of us to sit, she grabbed costumes for both Angel and Sir Pentious as he's better at this acting bullshit then me.

"Oh I'm a bad man on the streets, who never got enough hugs. Now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?" Angel seemed miserable, the whole time he read the script...

"Wow! Who wrote this??" Angel growled, as Charlie seemed proud.

"It's great, right? Keep going!" Charlie giggled, as Vaggie also seemed impressed. While Alastor seemed more focused, on something other then the staged bullshit...

"Hey, you!" Angel groaned, which Pentious seemed really in character it actually scared me.

"Who, me?" Pentious pulled off this very childish face, which I giggled.

"Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some... Devil's.. dandruff? Oh, for fuck sakes.." Angel grunted, as he was really annoyed.

"Not me! I have to go home and study!!" Pentious snickered happily, which made Charlie happy.

"Come on kid, it'll make you cool like me... The crackhead.." Angel rolled his eyes, as he put his script down.

"The only cool thing here, is to say no to drugs! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!" Pentious spoke loudly and proudly, which of course Charlie was the only one applauding.

"Yes! Oh, bravo bravo! Wow Pentious, at this rate you'll be redeemed in no time!" Charlie giggled happily, as Angel seemed to look upset. I'm pretty sure, I was the only one that noticed.

"I-... I'm going to bed..." Angel walked off, but stopped at the stairs.

"I am so proud of you, Sir Pentious! That was amazing!" Charlie smiled, as Pentious bowed a couple of times.

"Thank you, thank you!" Pentious smiled, as Angel turned his head as he frowned...

As he went upstairs, I decided to follow him to make sure he's okay.

My little sinner!~ (Angel Dust x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ