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It took two weeks for the venom to overpower the morphine in Bella's body and slowly stitch her back together. In the meantime, Renesmee grew rapidly and looked as if she was a few months old instead of a newborn. Emma had seen Paul for the first time a week prior to Bella waking up, the council calling for an emergency meeting. 

Billy Black had called Jacob, demanding that both he and Emma come as representatives to figure things out and make amends with Sam. Emma and Jacob walked up to the Clearwater's home side by side. "How bad is this going to be?" Emma glanced over at Jacob as the sun began to set behind them. "I have no idea." Jacob answered honestly and the pair both took deep breaths before advancing forward. Sue had opened the door before the pair got the chance to knock, giving them both a small but kind smile. "Come in." Sue ushered them to the kitchen where Old Quil, Billy, and Sam were already sitting. Emma and Jacob took a seat at the table, Sue joining the Elders on the other side.

"Due to...recent events, it is important that we discuss Jacob's exit from the pack and the breaching of the treaty." Billy started the meeting as he looked mostly between the two shifters. "The Cullens didn't break the treaty." Jacob immediately went to defend his imprint's family. "So, you are saying we did? We had to protect them town!" Sam immediately got defensive when he heard Jacob's words. "You had no proof-" Jacob went on to continue the argument. "Boys." Sue swiftly cut the two shifters off, not wanting any more fighting. Billy Black had taken his son's side when Sam came to inform his of Jacob's betrayal and Sue had been worried sick about her children since. "It is obvious that there that been a shift in the power dynamic." Sue continued as the two shifters glared at each other. "Jacob, you had initially forfeited your claim to alpha of the pack, are you revoking that?" Old Quil spoke next, looking at the grandson of Ephrim Black. "I don't like the way Sam runs the pack; he nearly caused a war because of his inability to be patient." Jacob dropped his glare as he responded to the Elder. "I did what had to be done; you said it yourself, the child was dangerous, and its future could not be known, we must protect the lands." Sam enforced his belief in his decision.

"I understand why you reacted the way you did Sam, just as I understand why Jacob reacted the way he did. Which is why we must settle this tension." Billy played mediator with the shifters. "Jacob, do you wish to reinstate your right to alpha?" Billy Black asked his son. "I don't want to take the pack from Sam, but I don't want to be forced to take orders from him silently, either." Jacob let out a large sigh as he was honest with his feelings about Sam. "Then, what do you propose happens?" Sue looked at Jacob, searching for an answer. "What if we remain as two separate packs? Sam keeps Embry, Quil, Paul, and Jared and I keep Leah and Seth. We protect the lands together, including Forks." Jacob proposed as he glanced over at Emma, who was simply watching everything unfold. "And when new wolves shift?" Old Quil looked intrigued with the proposal. "They can choose who they want to follow." Jacob provided a simple solution as Sam remained silent, processing the idea. "Sam?" Sue looked to the shifter for his opinion. "It's not the worst idea." Sam confessed, not exactly liking the idea, or having a valid objection. "Then it's settled, we will have to work out the kinks as they arise." Billy Black finalized the decision, looking to his fellow Elders for their agreement. Old Quil and Sue agreed and moved onto the next topic.

"Now, about the Cullens." Billy Black looked over at Emma, who straightened up in her seat. "Jacob was correct when he stated that the Cullens are innocent when it comes to breaking the treaty, however the wolves reacted in the only way they saw fit." Billy started the new conversation. "Carlisle understands that he still only wishes peace between our two species, however I think the terms of our agreement needs to be altered." Emma remained respectful as she proposed a change in the treaty. "What do you have in mind?" Sue questioned as Billy Black looked impartial. "It's already been established that keeping our two lands separate is no longer working. Jacob's right when he says that Forks could use the protection as well." Emma started the terms of the agreement. "I think it would be reasonable for us to be on Quileute land, when necessary, given mine and Renesmee's imprint status. However, it is also reasonable that we only be allowed to hunt on land that is far off of the reservation and its borders. We would like to work together with the wolves in protecting our towns, not against them." Emma proposed new boundaries. "That sounds reasonable." Sue gave a small nod, looking to Sam and the Elders.

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