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"Who are they?" Bella Swan took notice of the mystical figures traveling outside the large wall of windows from her seat in the cafeteria. "The Cullens." Angela smiled at Bella's innocent curiosity as Jessica turned to watch the family slowly trickle into the cafeteria. "They're-um-Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago." Jessica jumped at the chance to gossip to the new girl about the family. "They kind of keep to themselves." Angela commented nicely, not wanting to come off judgy. "Yeah, 'cause they're all together. Like together, together." Jessica grinned as she glanced over at Rosalie and Emmett entering the cafeteria. "The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing," Jessica jolted her thumb in the direction of the couple who were smiling at each other as they held hands. "I'm not even sure that's legal." Jessica shared her judgment with Bella. "Jess, they're not actually related." Angela defended the people she didn't know very well. "Yeah, but they live together, it's weird!" Jessica looked back at the couple, who were now facing away from the group's table.

"And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird." Jessica moved on to the next couple as Alice spins herself in Jasper's open arms. "Um, she's with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain." Jessica pointed out the second half of the couple as Alice guides the emotionless dirty blonde to a table. "Um, Doctor Cullen's like this foster dad\matchmaker." Jessica laughs in a slightly off-tone. "Maybe he'll adopt me." Jessica joked as she grinned at the two couples that were now seated. "Who's he?" Bella pointed out Edward Cullen's entrance, causing Jessica to sigh. "That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously." Jessica allowed her eyes to wander the Cullen. Emma Hale made her way into the cafeteria, joining her family after getting out of a student council meeting late. Emma immediately took notice of the new girl as she overheard the conversation about Edward. "But apparently, nobody here's good enough for him. Like I care, you know?" Jessica looked down as she sulked about the approaching member of the family. "So, yeah. Seriously, like don't waste your time." Jessica laughed as Bella kept her eyes on Edward, before glancing at the blonde who joined Edward at their table. "Wasn't planning on it. Who's the girl?" Bella tried to ask politely when Emma made eye contact with Bella and gave a small smile. "That's Emma." Angela spoke as she gave a small wave toward the blonde, who returned it with a smile. "Her and Angela are friends." Jessica rolled her eyes as she spoke. "She's basically good at everything, sports, school, being pretty." Jessica's envious words dented Emma's smile and she tuned out the group's conversation.

"How can someone be so conceited be so insecure?" Emma muttered angrily as she tried to brush of Jessica's judgement and took a fry from Edward's plate, popping it in her mouth. "Emma!" Alice scolded the blonde softly. "She's not wrong!" Emmett took Emma's side, causing the blonde's smile to return. "Rose?" Alice looked to Rosalie for some assistance with the young girl. Rosalie just looked at Alice and shrugged, Emma wasn't wrong and Rosalie would never side with someone who actively insulted her daughter. "You should know by now that mom is always on my side" Emma told Alice, as she took more of Edward's fries. Edward sighed in annoyance and pushed his plate over to the girl as he kept his sights trained on the new girl. Emma glanced over the man who had grown to be like a brother to her and furrowed her eyebrows at his actions, why was he being so weird? Shaking off her thoughts and Edward's odd demeanor, Emma looked to Rosalie and Emmett.

"So, Angela asked me if I could go with her to the beach later." Emma was hoping Edward's distraction would play to her advantage for once. "Angela asked you?" Rosalie was weary of her daughter's words and glanced over at a spaced out Edward. Emma had Edward wrapped around her fingers, but she also knew he hated it when she lied and snuck behind the family's back. "Yeah, it won't be for long. Maybe just a few hours, I promise if any of the wolves come out we'll leave." Emma looked at her mother with a pleading expression, she was long overdue hanging out with her group of friends. "Emma, just because they can't smell you, doesn't mean they won't recognize you. They know who we are, going that close to the treaty line is dangerous." Rosalie didn't look like she was going to give her blessing. "Emmett, help, please." Emma looked to the reckless father figure who commonly supported her 'sticking it to the man', as long as he wasn't the man. "You know that if you say no, she'll find another way to go." Emmett sighed as he looked between his mate and the younger blonde. "Fine, you can go. But I want to know when you get there and when you leave. If you so much as see one of the mutts, you leave. Understood?" Rosalie gave in, warmth spreading across her body when a smile beamed across Emma's face. "Understood." Emma smiled in satisfaction as she ate, what were now, her fries.

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