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On a random Monday in July, I found myself being driven to what I thought would be my worst nightmare.

I have an older sister named Lisa, and she is like my role model. Ever since she left for college , I haven't been social, and I felt very lonely without her. See, that's the glory of being a younger sibling. Your older sibling knows how to be alone, but for me, she's been by my side since I was born.
Mom didn't like the fact that I just sat in bed all day and drew, so she decided to plan something behind my back.

She told me that her and my best friends mom had signed us up for a summer camp in a few days. Now, me being me, I totally freaked. Not only would I be locked up in a cabin with tons of kids for a month or so, but I'd be away from home. My best friend Del was a huge extrovert on the other hand, so I'm sure this isn't bad news to her.

I've known Del since the third grade, and we instantly clicked. But because I like to stay home and be alone while Del likes to party, I'm not quite sure if I'm her favorite anymore.
Don't get me wrong because she's definitely my best friend, I guess what I'm saying is I don't think I'm her best friend.
She has plenty more friends other than me, and those friends actually hang out with her and go to parties with her. It makes me feel selfish that I can't be there for her all the time, but at the same time, she isn't really there for me.

I shoved all the stuff I could into a big suitcase and jumped on it until the zipper would budge. I would be there a while after all, so I packed as much as I could. I kept finding myself zoning out while in this process and just.... thinking. The thought of making a friend other than Del was hard. Especially making a friend without her help. I decided that would be my goal for the time I stayed at Camp Springfield. "Make one friend that's just as weird as you by yourself."

"Gracie!! Let's go!" I heard Mom calling from the bottom of the stairs.
"I'm coming!" I replied, grabbing my giant suitcase and waddling down the stairs. At one point, I almost dropped my suitcase down the stairs, but with the weight of that thing, I probably would've gone down with it.
Dad picked it up with ease and loaded it into the trunk while I climbed in the back seat. I put in some earbuds and just stared out the window, with a 3 hour car ride waiting up ahead.

It was probably around six in the morning, so I was exhausted. I picked at my chipped nailpolish while Frank Ocean played in my earphones. Del loved Frank Ocean and had told me to listen to his music, and I can't lie it was the perfect music to be listening to in the summer. Mainly, I listened to Beabadoobe, Mitski, The Smiths, and lots of other artists. People are always confused about what I do by myself, but if they felt the joy of listening to music while drawing someone I'd never met, they would understand. It's like my escape to reality. Honestly, mom should be great full. I'm not out doing drugs and coming home drunk every night. Somehow, I feel like I'm being punished for being a good kid.

Camp SpringfieldsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora