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DreamBerry/Drue (Dream x Swap)

They're dumb, like really dumb about how they communicate with each other 

Dream and Swap are attached at the hip, they're always together. some people (Nightmare) may call that codependence but they just work better together! They swear!

They're a bad influence on eachother but in the sense where they want to impress each other with something dumb but manage to freak the other out.

Ink didn't know they were dating until they got engaged.

In most of my Dreamberry AU ideas they're engaged and couldn't get married because of the war and stuff sooo

I feel like I could do a really good truce AU with this concept, where like no one knew and it's just really fluffy and cuteness. (I don't write fluff like ever so it might be a challenge to add no angst lol)

They both have some unsolved mental problems that neither of them can manage to fix very well lol but they manage when they have each other (So cuteness)

Ink is constantly third wheeling and doesn't even realize it, Swap and Dream don't mind it much though lol

They aren't as physically affectionate as they think they are, neither of them are particularly avoidant of touch or crave too much. (That is until Dream gets his hands on the wine.)

reading this they sound a little boring but they're like the best power couple ever like they work so well.

Their codepenace is actually bad though, being without each other is stressful but imagine what would happen if one of them were to be seriously injured or even killed in battle, the other would lose their shit. 

That said their relationship doesn't really seem obsessive or possessive on the outside but they feel that they're just an extension of each other and losing one of them would be like losing half of themselves.

Dream is more possessive than obsessive, he isn't crazy about it obviously but again, the thing where if Swap got horribly hurt he would be fully capable of killing whoever did so in the moment.

Swap is more obsessive, again, you wouldn't even be able to notice, but he has Dream's schedule memorised and will spy on him even going as far as to stalk him around.

They joke fight like, a lot but people can't tell they're joking

So basically people think they like hate each other lol 

CrInk (Cross x Ink)

So either you hate this ship or you love it, recently I was like, hey! I like Ink for some reason and boom random Ink obsession.

And if you know me I've had a Cross obsession for a while (And Swap! He's my OG favorite)

So idk how this would work in an underverse AU butttt in one of the AUs where Cross is a part of the bad sanses then I really like it. 

-My idea of why they know each other without all the crazy X-Gaster still alive drama is Ink obviously helped X-Gaster a little bit but it went to shit and he kind of abandoned it and then when he noticed Cross's crying in X-Tale like in Underverse he goes and checks and feels like this was all his fault and befriends Cross and they're like best friends. Cross lives with Ink for a while (Before Ink moved in with Swap and Dream out of the doodlesphere) but they have a BIGG fight and Cross ends up leaving and going to his AU, he tries to go back eventually but the doodlesphere moved places in the multiverse again (headcanon maybe??? Anyway I made that up but I might not be the only one who did.) so he can't but Ink doesn't come check on him and forgets about him which is why when Nightmare comes Cross says yes to joining him and why he's mad at Ink. (this also means that he has met Swap and Dream before he was a bad guy lol)-

Ink shows a lot of physical affection which Cross is allergic to but also really wants but he's not good at trusting others.

Cross gives gifts, he doesn't speak very well or physically express his feelings very well but he really likes spoiling his loved ones.

Ink being tiny is the funniest thing ever when next to Cross, Cross is relatively tall for a Sans and Ink is like 3 foot or smth I can't remember lol

Ink can't shut up, like at all. And Cross doesn't like to speak but he also doesn't like the silence so it's like perfect for him.

Despite Ink being the most annoying thing to ever grace this earth Cross finds it endearing. 

Ink is very confident in himself and in Cross, Cross is literally the opposite of that.

Ink's favorite thing is when Cross will kiss his hand when they're cuddling or sitting down or just holding hands.

Nightmare doesn't approve of Ink at ALL.

I've always headcanoned that Nightmare felt strangely protective of Cross for some reason so Ink being yk, Ink, Nightmare doesn't like him.

Ink being small, he likes to hide in small cupboards and scare Cross by jumping out, Cross hates this.

Sometimes Cross wonders if his boyfriend is actually a child he's raising.

KillerBerry (Killer x Swap)

This one isn't popular at all, barely even heard of but I do really enjoy it lol and I have a book that it's the main ship in. 

So you'd think Killer would be the bad influence but Swap's definitely worse.

They definitely smoke marijuana together. (And probably other drugs too but we don't talk about that)

Killer really sucks at relationships lol but Swap thinks its funny

Swap isn't possessive at all, he's really chill

Their whole relationship is really chill honestly

Killer is... very flirty, Swap doesn't respond to most flirts, he just finds them amusing. Killer is incredibly frustrated by this.

Swap isn't very flirty with him but when he is Killer literally thinks he's going to DIE

Killer is jealous and possessive, Swap thinks its cute but Killer is SO jealous of Error.

Like he'll go to Cross and be angry about it and Cross will be confused on why he's mad and Swap will walk in and say smth like, "he's a little jelly but he'll get over it if I buy him food, come on kills."

And Killer will be mad still but forget it when Swap spends all his money of him.

Killer really likes tracing the scars on Swap's arm, Swap really likes it too, he still struggles with SH sometimes and Killer doing that makes him feel so much better.

Killer has food problems sometimes, when he can't eat Swap will feed him and Killer is so flustered by the gesture that he literally just lets him. 

Okay that's all I'm gonna do for now lol

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