Silly little headcanons

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Nightmare probably calls Cross sexy unironically but not in front of him and Killer tells Cross but Cross won't believe him hehe

Swap def joined the Stars bc he thought Dream was hot (Depends on the AU LOL)

The entire council has been trying to figure out what the stars relationship is bc they'll get into a fight over cheese and then flirt for like seventeen minutes until they remember they were fighting over cheese and continue to fight over cheese

Swap and Error are ALWAYS best friends.

I feel like Error likes to hop back and forth with which side he supports, (in AUs with the balance he goes to the side that's losing currently) like he knows where both the Star Sanses base and the Bad Sanses base are.

Cross has a really bad spying problem, like, super bad. You'll be yapping to him and he'll bring up an ex you had 7 years ago like it was a normal thing for him to know about.

Nightmare thought Killer was crazy until he met Ink (TRUCE AU!!) 

No like seriously, Ink pulls so much bullshit and Dream and Ink are just like, fine with it??? TWELVE COWS???

Cross being scared of cows is completely unknown until one noms onto his shirt during a mission and he SHRIEKED.

Killer now thinks it's funny to give him cow shaped gifts all the time, while Cross isn't scared of those he finds it incredibly frustrating.

Cross is a people pleaser, you won't catch him saying to no to ANYBODY.

Dream is... really, really, scary. Like not tradisional scary, scary like I'll tell your mom what you said on october 15 2021 scary.

Swap has no gag reflex, and I know what you're thinking you nasty bois, anyway Dream has a video of Swap deep throating a pickle.

Swap is vegan, not cause he doesn't like meat he regularly eats vegetarian meatballs but because he really hates the idea of animals being in enclosed spaces for their whole life.

Dust always smells like cigarettes but whenever Nightmare is like, I told you no smoking allowed?? Nightmare can never find any cigarettes on him or in his room or ANYWHERE. (he looked literally everywhere including Killer and Horror's room bc Killer would do smth like that and Dust and Horror are like besties)

Cross is Dust's dealer, does he feel a little guilty? Yeah. Does he truly care? No. (He has slowly started to wane Dust off of his addiction by lowering the amount of nicotine in the cigarettes he gets.)

Cross is vegetarian bc he just doesn't like the taste of meat lol it makes him feel sick.

In truce AUs Swap, Cross, and Killer immediately get along- like scary fast.

Nightmare cannot for the life of him figure out the relationship of the stars in truce AUs and I imagine the monsters in the council would like kinda bond with him over that LOL

Horror smells like steak and Cross gags half the time he's around him and Horror feels so bad lol 

Why does Horror smell like steak you ask? Who knows.

Swap has little glow in the dark stars arranged to look like actual constellations on his ceiling.

Dream and Swap stargaze a LOT, like more than sleeping, it's actually becoming a problem lol like Dream won't die from lack of sleep but he functions WAY better with sleep and Swap has been forced into naps by his own body before. (Passing out 😍😍😍)

Dust and Cross have the most wholesome relationship they're so cute like they'll literally cuddle.

Horror and Dust have a similar relationship but Horror and Dust are still much different bc Horror is like... bold I guess you could say but Cross is like... not. (He's shy boi)

Killer and Cross are like, in way different relationship though, Killer is a troublemaker and Cross is a rule follower but Cross also breaks under peer pressure so they end up being bad and getting into trouble which Nightmare is so confused about and usually is just like 'Killer you are SUCH a bad influence what.'

Cross and Error have a good relationship, like they're friends and Nightmare doesn't understand how Cross did that.

Dream and Cross either HATE each other or are best friends there is no universe where they could be neutral about each other for more than 3 weeks.

Killer... has a flirting problem.

Dust and Killer's relationship mostly consists of fighting and accusations but also that's just how they show love to each other.

Okay, so I have another thing on Cross and Dust, basically Dust either thinks Cross is self centered and stuck up or he thinks he's not fit for the bad sanses based on his mercy (both of those end in the earlier headcanon hehe)

Ink and Cross probably become friends again rather quickly because Cross can't stay mad at him for whatever reason but they do have an emotional reconcile 

Nightmare and Ink have a funny relationship lol basically Nightmare is kinda terrified of Ink and Ink thinks Nightmare is fun to mess with and usually that ends with Dream trying not to laugh his ass off while Nightmare rants to him about how scary Ink is. (truce AU)

Nightmare is concerned for Swap lol like fr tho, Swap is like kinda not good at coping with things and he does it in a bad way.

okay lol I think that's it for now, I'll probably do ship headcanons or idk next

Sans AU headcanons!!! And whatever else I want to put in here:Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt