Chapter 28:

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"As I was saying, we talked about this yesterday. Did we not?" Daiichi asked, and Aidan sighed.

"We did, but I can't help but not want you to get involved."

"I was already involved, if they wanted to hurt me, they would have already. You know this since you are extremely smart."

"Which is why you shouldn't be around me."

"All the more reason to be around you, you can protect me. Like you did yesterday."

"I won't always be there to help you."

"Then I guess I will die~owe!"

Aidan punched Daiichi's arm, and Daiichi rubbed his arm with his cheeks puffed out.

"Don't joke about that, got it?"

"Okay, I am sorry. Geez, but you can't get rid of me."

"Why are you like this?" Aidan sighed, and Daiichi glanced around.

"Because I- never mind."

"What? What is it?" Aidan asked. Daiichi felt his cheeks heat up before shaking his head.

"It's nothing, you wouldn't understand," Daiichi huffed slightly. Aidan raised an eyebrow at him, before thinking. He placed a hand on his chin, before quickly looking at Daiichi piecing two and two together.

"Wait... do you... do you like me?" Daiichi quickly turned his head to Aidan who was staring at him. Daiichi quickly looked around before getting up.

"You are crazy, I gotta go to class," he was about to leave but Aidan grabbed his wrist slightly.

"Daiichi?" It was hard for Daiichi to leave when he met Aidan's eyes. Daiichi felt heat rush up to his cheeks before letting his shoulders drop.

"I am sorry Aidan. I know we only met yesterday, but I just feel so close to you. Maybe I don't know everything about you, but I feel like I have known you forever. Yes, I like you. I can't help it, maybe it's what we went through yesterday. I don't know. Please don't hate me. Just forget this okay? It's just a stupid crush that might go away. I develop crushes easily." Daiichi said.

"Daiichi, I don't want to forget this... I am not exactly one for relationships, at all. Never been in one, but you know that. I uh, don't know what to say about your feelings. Especially since it's been only two days."

"Yeah, I know. Just forget it. Please, we don't have to talk about it."

"I do know that this is not something we can brush over."

"Aidan, please..."

Aidan fell quiet, and Daiichi took a deep breath before brushing his lips against his. Once Aidan did not move to pull away, Daiichi quickly kissed him. Aidan froze on the spot not sure what to do, so he just sat there. The kiss was short when Daiichi pulled away. Daiichi searched Aidan's face for any negative or positive response, but all he got was a stoic expression.

"I-why did you do that?" Aidan asked, though it was obvious, that he couldn't comprehend any of it. It was like his brain had short-circuited. His cheeks were a bright red, and he couldn't properly think of a better response. His hand slowly trailed to his lips but Daiichi grabbed his hand.

"Uh, caught in the moment. Can we please forget this and that... I mean."

"I don't think I can forget the kiss, Daiichi."

"You are so literal... It's adorable. But anyway, what are we going to do now?" Daiichi asked, trying to change the topic. Aidan opened his mouth but he closed it before thinking.


"What?" Daiichi asked, confused, Aidan tilted his head to the side. It was almost too adorable for Daiichi.

"I want you to kiss me again," Aidan said bluntly. Daiichi blinked several times surprised.

"What? No. I mean we can't. I shouldn't have ki~" Aidan cut him off by pressing his lips against Daiichi's. It was Daiichi's turn to freeze. He wasn't expecting Aidan to do that, but he wasn't complaining.

Daiichi laced his fingers with Aidan's. Once Aidan began to pull away, Daiichi chased his lips. Aidan started to mumble to himself trying to calculate everything. Daiichi broke from his daze as he listened to Aidan mumble.

"It seems I enjoyed the kiss more than I thought. It felt nice. Nothing like Orlando, when Orlando kissed me I felt disgusted. Does that mean I like him? That's impossible. Well not impossible, but it's way too soon. I guess you can have a crush, crushes are nothing like love. This is not love that much I do know. This is new, is that even a thing? Liking someone after two days? I never believed in it before..."

Daiichi just listened to Aidan mumble before he burst out laughing. Aidan stopped his calculations and looked at Daiichi. Daiichi had let go of Aidan's hand as he covered his stomach, tears were brimming his eyes.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you are trying to calculate feelings. That's something you can't calculate!"

"Hey stop laughing..." Aidan said and Daiichi shook his head, laughter filling the air still.

"I can't, you can't even decipher your feelings, but kiss someone because it felt nice? Hahaha..."

Aidan felt his cheeks darken and he punched Daiichi hard before getting up. He grabbed his stuff and began to leave. Daiichi flinched as he stopped laughing and blinked confused as he watched Aidan leave.

"Wait where are you going?"

"I am leaving."



"Aidan, are you upset? If so, I am sorry. I wasn't laughing at you, it's just really cute. How clueless you are."

"Don't care."

"Aidan. Please, don't be upset."

"I am not upset."

"Your face says otherwise."

"Leave me alone..."

"Aidan, wait..." Daiichi grabbed his wrist and Aidan turned around to face Daiichi. Daiichi cupped his face.

"I am sorry. I won't laugh again, it was just adorable. I swear I wasn't really laughing at you."

Aidan's shoulders dropped slightly before swapping at Daiichi's hands.

"That hurts, don't do that. It's still swollen."

"Right, forgot sorry."

"It's fine."

"For which apology?"

"Both, I forgive you."

"Glad to hear it. Now let's go back to sitting down."

Aidan nodded as Daiichi pulled him back to their original spot. Once they sat down, Daiichi laid his head on Aidan and they remained quiet.

"Let's forget that everything happened. I am serious, once we know each other longer maybe you will be able to better sort out your feelings," Daiichi said. Aidan met his eyes and nodded.

"Okay, seems more reasonable."

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