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Paul's pov

"BRO I'M HOME!!!" I scream to my brother when I come home after my run and gym session.

"Ah hi men, ready for out diner later?" my brother asks back enthusiastic and hyped to me.

"Yeah absolute, i'm enthusiastic to see our parents back again after all those months." I say back when I put my bag away.

"Anyway why are you blushing dude?, you look red."

"Because I had a run?" I ask confused back to him with a laugh.

"But you never be that red after a run, so again what's going on?" my brother asks again with a little laugh after it.

"It's absolute because the hot weather."

"Bro it just starting to rain a little bit."

"So what?, I bet it just started it."

"No it didn't bro-, wait did you had eyes for a girl?, did you saw that girl who you had a sleepover with some days ago?" my brother asks with a smirk to me.

"What no no men, we are just friends!" I say quickly back in a panic.

"Yeah sure men, I see how hard you are blushing!" my brother says back and he almost start laughing.

"And also even if I wanted, I can't okay?"

"Because Oliver?, come on bro, you can't let her go if you want her, you will regret it."

"Bro what do you know about the situation?"

"Guess I met Lily shortly one time during a PREMA race and she did told me about it you know?" my brother replies back and I look in shock to my brother.

"You never told me you've met her?"

"That's not the point brother, if she is smart enough with an amazing guy like you, she would also date with you."

"Well I kinda asked it." I say back when I look to the ground with still a red face.

"YOU DID?, WHAT DID SHE REPLIED?" my brother asked suprised and also hyped.

"She blushed a lot, I gave her a kiss on her cheeck and I was away."

"You're such an idiot my brother, you should wait until she said yes or no." my brother laughs back before I go upstairs to get ready for the diner.

"Hmmm what to wear tonight?" I ask to myself when I open my closet and after some time thinking, I decided to dm Lily to ask what to wear via Instagram dm's.

[ start conversation. ]

"Hi Lily, can I ask something little?"

"What if I say no?"

"Oh well I don't ask it then."

"Hihi, I was joking Paulito, don't worry."

"You got me there hahahaha, I have a parents diner tonight, so what should I wear?"

"I'm not that good in fashion but okay no problem."

"So I have this outfits."

"𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚" ft Paul Aron Where stories live. Discover now