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Lily's pov

"That was a fun movie for sure!, did you also enjoyed it guys?" Dino asks to us enthusiastic when the movie is over.

"It was fun yeah, glad we did this pasta night okay!" Ollie replies back but I don't look into his eyes because i'm still sad what happend between both of us.

"Lily, did you enjoyed it?" Dino asks out of the nowhere some seconds later and I wouldn't lie about the fact that I wasn't even listen to both of the boys.

"Oh yeah I did, I'm just tired so I go to my bed already." I reply back to both of them.

"But what about our games tonight?, we can finally play Cluedo again after years." Ollie asks to me and I feel his eyes are trying to look into mines but I don't react and just go upstairs and go into my bed.

I take my favorite book with me and put it next to me when I hear a knock on my door and after I sigh, I scream the door is open and the person can come in.

"Hi Lily, I feel you aren't okay." Ollie says when he looks down to the ground and look to his feets because he is also very shy and in shame what happend this night.

"Ollie I-, come inside please." I just can reply because I really see how hard Ollie has it now and he really wants to help me out.

"You sit on my bed okay?, here are some tissues." I say to him and he comes shy to my bed and sits on the other side of it meanwhile I take my tissues.

"Gosh i'm sorry if I ruined your night." he can finally say to after it's just silence between both of us that we even hear my clock in my room ticking.

"Okay yeah you did Ollie, i'm not going to lie about it." I reply soft back and I look to the other side of his eyes even I don't want to hurt him more.

"That's why I'm here Lily, i'm sorry, very sorry what happend and I didn't had to react like that."

"It’s fine Ollie, after all you're maybe right, maybe I beter stay single my full life and life together with a cat or something." I sigh back and I look still to the ground.

"Look it's not that I want that you still single forever because you are absolute a golden person inside with a great and sweet personality, I just don't want you get hurted by anybody at such a young age." Ollie says back and I finally can look into his eyes.

"But-, forget it." I just say back because I don't want to end my day with another discussion between Ollie and me.

"No, don't say that!, just tell me Lily!" Ollie replies fast back and he gives me also a tissue.

"I just don't get it why you have a girlfriend now and you are younger then me and I can't have one, image you guys break up once again?" I say honest back to him even I absolute never ever wants he got a broken heart too again.

"Because I know I can maybe deal beter with it then you. Okay I know you are busy with your study but after all you can still think about it a lot whenever you break up with somebody or not feel safe with your boyfriend meanwhile I just have the focus full on my racing life."

"Men you're maybe right." I say back.

"Again, I really want to see you happy with a guy or a girl, I don't even mind you would be lesbian one day but I just want to protect you from broken hearts after all."

"You just protect me sometimes to hard if I need to be honest Ollie, I can't even have a normally conversation with a guy since I met you, it's not that I want or need automatic a relationship with the first guy I meet."

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