
"It seems it's not just France, that's even more reason why we can't lose!" Marie exclaimed.

"Yes, my master will win to save the world," Tamamo affirmed.

"To take back an incinerated future, Chaldea sent these kids. It seems my own worries were rather small," Jeanne reflected.

Just like that, we joined them in our team.

While they were engrossed in their conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the situation.

'After hearing Jeanne's words, she at least remembers her childhood memories to some extent. She knows her mother's face too. So then why did the evil Jeanne send monsters to kill her mother?' I pondered.

Suddenly, I felt mana beasts approaching the town. I understood who was coming to this place. And Fou to felt the presence of mana beasts.

'Evil Jeanne is coming here, good,' I thought.

"Master, there is someone I must defeat. Please, can you give me the chance?" Elizabeth said to me, her eyes filled with determination.

I observed her resolve, reassured as long as she wouldn't harm the human order.

"Okay, Elizabeth," I agreed.

"Oh, thanks, I like you, puppy," she said, prompting me to mull over the term "puppy."

Fou jumped onto my shoulders, giving me a sympathetic look.

As I observed the group, it seemed Tamamo and Kiyohime had become good friends. Beru was engaged in conversation with Mozart, while Alter was talking with Igris.

Marie was deep in conversation with Romani. Wait, Romani's face looked different. Did he have an interest in idols?

But seeing Marie, I felt a surge of different emotions. I had heard about her in Da Vinci's class, and Mashu had explained what had happened to her. Even after her children's heads were cut off and she lost her life, she was still striving to save the world.

Was this why she became a heroic servant? How could she be like that even after experiencing such tragedy?

At that moment, I realized she was truly an amazing person.

And then I noticed Jeanne lost in her thoughts.

"Jeanne, do you love France or resent the people who didn't save you?" I asked.

"Huh, yes, I love this place and its people. There's no way I resent them," Jeanne replied confidently.

"Then stop worrying about Evil Jeanne or whether you're real or fake. The Jeanne this world knows saved many people by ending the war. It doesn't matter what you are. Do what your heart says," I assured her, already understanding her concerns. I would be freaked out too if I knew my evil version was doing terrible things. But I've read many stories like this in my past life, common in Marvel and DC comics.

Hearing my words made her regain her confidence.

"I need to do what my heart says... Thank you, Master. I will follow your advice, but I need to talk with my evil version one time," she said, her eyes brimming with confidence.

My eyes started to glow in purple.

"Then be ready, she's coming here," I warned as an army of wyverns emerged in the sky, heading our way.

"Ritsuka! We've confirmed a large number of life forms a few meters away from the town. They're going to destroy the town," Romani urgently informed us, his words shocking everyone, including Olga and Da Vinci.

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