Crawling Forward

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Danny leaned up against a tree. He was in an unknown forest in the state of Missouri. Apparently the GIW had put most of their facilities in the hometown states of popular heroes.

Maybe it was for protection or maybe it was for another reason. Either way it made things difficult.

Danny tapped the Fenton Phones, an invention that looked like earbuds but was more of a communication device. He was glad he thought to grab it.

Sam leaned over to look at Tuckers laptop.

"What are you doing"

Tucker groaned, "I was trying to figure out a way to find Phantom. I feel so uneasy not knowing anything"

Sam fidgeted with her bracelet.

"Yeah, I felt that too"


"If we had more resources maybe, can you hack into a satellite?"


"Hack into a satellite" Tucker repeated with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Well I don't know! I'm trying-"


Sam jumped up.

"What was that?" Tucker asked massaging his ear.

They had both heard the ear splitting note.

Sam dug through a pile of stuff in her closet before pulling out a green half- headphone.

"It must've been this! Danny's found a way to reach us!"

Tuckers eyes lit up and he searched through his backpack before pulling out his.

He grinned at Sam and put it on.

"Sam?" A voice crackled through.


Danny flinched at the sudden burst of noise in his ear.

"Where are you?"

There was a pause and Tucker thought he heard the crinkle of paper.

"A forest in Missouri"

"Is that all you know?"

Danny hesitated, "yes?"

Sam rolled her eyes in annoyance, "do you know where your going"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I don't need the exact location anyway. I can feel them"

Tucker grimaced, "that's sounds gross. And creepy"

"If I follow my core, I will find them"

"Well watch out, people are saying you killed some agents. We know you didn't of course but they also got the justice league on this"


"I figured they would become involved at some point."

Tucker lit up, "hey, can you get their autographs for me?"

Danny scoffed, "yeah sure, 'hey Batman before you put your foot in my face, can you sign this for me' "

Sam smirked at the sarcasm in his voice.

"Fine, maybe I'll ask them myself" Tucker shot back.

Sam shook her head, "so what's your plan Danny. Do you need backup?"

"No!" Danny shouted form the other end.

"You cannot be seen with me. I have a plan, kind of. Tucker, it's a big risk but I want you to hack into the GIW buildings and disarm their electricity. Just shut the building down."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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