13.- Living in the Snow

Start from the beginning

- I-I was lo-looking for Eggdog -.

- What...? -.

There a few light tears began to fall down the red-eyed man's cheeks.

- I-it got lost... To-todo for ha-having-left alone... -.

4 carefully pulled him into the Castle.

- I-I believed that I had let him out... - said the blue-eyed man.

- W-what...? -.

SMG4 took his hand and led him into his room, at first 3 didn't understand anything, but as soon as they arrived, they saw that Eggdog and Beeg SMG4 were playing.

-EGGDOG!? - shouted the red-eyed man.

The smallflip to see his father, he ran towards him and started loving him. While SMG3 began to cry harder, for a moment he had believed that he had lost Eggdog...

- I'm sorry... - said 4 somewhat embarrassed - I found Eggdog a few hours ago, but since sometimes you let him come to play with Beeg, I thought you had let him come -.

- Th-thank you for taking care of him -.

- You're welcome 3 and I'm sorry you worried too much for not having warned you. Next time I'll let you know, I promise! -.

They both exchanged smiles. Then, 4 lent the red-eyed boy a somewhat thick sheet to help him not get cold anymore, apart from giving him hot chocolate, little by little he began to warm up again.

- Hey 4 Where are the others? -.

- Well... They left... -.

- THAT!? -.

In general,4 never he was left alone since at least someone was staying in the Castle.

- They went to a sleepover at Mario's house -.

- And they left you alone!? -.

- Yes... But I'm fine! -.

- And the idiots of Meggy and Mario forgot that you have a slight degree of Autophobia!? - There was too much anger in SMG3's voice.

"Autophobia" is a phobia where someone expresses an irrational fear of being alone, even the possibility of being without company for a few hours, causes them fear. SMG4 had a slight degree of autophobia, since he was not so afraid of being alone (As long as it was for a little while). But if he spent more than 3 hours alone, he began to have anxiety and panic attacks.

It was a little secret that had come to light a while ago, so someone was trying to stay with the blue-eyed boy to avoid that, but they had clearly forgotten.

- How long have they been gone? - asked 3, annoyed.

- Don't know... -.

The place was flooded by silence, it was obvious that they had forgotten 4 and by the time he realized it, a good while had already passed. The red-eyed man was upset, but not with SMG4, but with the others, since something bad could have happened to the blue-eyed man and they didn't seem to care about him in the slightest.

- I stayed with you, scrub - SMG3 responded - Besides, the storm is not going to let me return to the cafeteria -.

- Thank you... -.

After 3 finished warming up, they both went to the kitchen to have some dinner. It was strange that the castle was alone, since you couldn't hear anything, but it also made the atmosphere quieter.

- What do you want for dinner? - SMG3 asked.

- Well I do not know... -.

- Do you think we should have coffee and cookies for dinner? -.

- Yep! - the blue-eyed man responded, smiling.

At first the red-eyed one was the only one cooking, but then 4 of them joined him and they both started making the chocolate chip cookies. It was very funny, since sometimes flour or things like that would fall on them. When they finished the cookies, they put the 2 trays into theOven. The blue-eyed man put on his pajamas and lent one to 3.

- Do you want to watch a movie in which the cookies come out? - asked 4.

- Sure... - SMG3 responded.

- So which one do we see? -.

- Whatever you want -.

SMG4 took out a disc, which said "Romeo and Juliet" and put it on his laptop, 3 at first he was not very convinced (Since he had never seen it and he was not a big fan of Romance and/or Tragedy movies either), but As the film progressed, he became more and more interested. Just when they were at the part where Romeo was banished from Italy, the alarm began to sound indicating that the cookies were already there.

They took the cookies out of the oven and the red-eyed man put them on a deep plate, in which 4 took the two coffees (they also brought something toBeeg and Eggdog for them to eat). Back in the room, they placed everything on the blue-eyed boy's nightstand and continued watching the movie on which they had dinner

Just when he was in the part where Romeo and Juliet committed suicide, SMG3 felt as if something was vibrating. When he looked for what it was, he realized that it was his bracelet that the blue-eyed boy had given him the day before.

At first it seemed strange, but when she tried to ask 4, she realized that he had fallen asleep on her hand (which had the Sun bracelet), so that's why the other bracelet had been turning on each time. a while.

Very carefully, 3 closed and put away the laptop, sheltered Eggdog and Beeg (who had fallen asleep in Beeg's bed), took the used dishes to the kitchen, settled SMG4 so that he wouldn't get a stiff neck in the morning. and he lay down next to her to sleep.

He turned to look at the blue-eyed boy, who was sleeping soundly, and began to think about which It had happened that day, although for many that day he had done nothing, for him, that day had been worth every second, since he had lived with 4 and had found Eggdog...
He closed his eyes, wishing that one day it could be repeated...
Since it brought immense happiness to his heart...

❄️ 2 Days Until Christmas ~ ❄️

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