12.- Wish upon a Star

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He woke up startled by the sound of his alarm and also by his usual nightmare, it was 7 in the morning. He simply turned it off and went back to sleep (Somewhat expected, because they had literally arrived 4 hours ago, it meant that he had only slept 3 hours).

This time, when he opened his eyes, he realized that he was in a type of labyrinth, similar to the one in the Space Zone, only this time he was alone. He started calling SMG4, to try to find him, only at one point he heard a very loud scream.

- S-SMG3!? W-where are you!? -.

It was the blue-eyed boy's voice, he was crying, just like when he had gotten lost after escaping from the stalker.

- SMG4!? WHERE ARE YOU!? - said 3 worried.

Before he could call him again, he saw a shadow, with the same characteristics that the blue-eyed man had told him the unfortunate man had.


-Force me~ -.

Immediately afterwards, the blonde began to run, while shouting at 3.

-The first one to find it keeps it~ -.

He then disappeared, leaving the red-eyed man even more worried. He had to find 4, otherwise something very bad could happen to him...
I was not going to let him...

Even though he tried to go very fast, the fact that it was dark and apart was a maze, causing him to very often get lost or even crash and get hurt because of it. However, he was not going to let anything bad happen to the blue-eyed man again.

After having run for a while, he began to feel very tired, however he heard SMG4's voice again.

- H-HELP!! - he said with a heartbreaking voice.

He noticed that he was coming from very close, as if he were around the corner, so when he turned around, he saw his friend sitting on the ground.

- SMG4?! - shouted the red-eyed man, looking out.

- S-SMG3!? - he responded trembling.

They both smiled at each other, it was obvious that they were happy to meet again. But just as he started running to reach his friend, the path began to get longer and longer, as if by magic.

- WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!? - he said desperately as he saw that they were getting further and further away.

- DON'T KNOW!! - answered 4 and was also very nervous.

Seeing how almost they finished After losing a visit, they both started running and were almost managing to catch up. But just as they were almost shaking hands, the stalker stepped out of the shadows and just said.

-This is mine~ -.

He said and instantly took him towards the shadows, at great speed.

- SMG3!! - was the last thing that could be heard from 4.

There was a dead silence for a few seconds, the red-eyed man still couldn't believe that he had been taken...

- No... - he began to say while his tears came out of his eyes - No... No... NO.... NO -.

He fell to his knees exhausted, they had just taken the blue-eyed man in front of his eyes and he had been unable to do anything to prevent it...

- NOOOOOOOOO!! - he shouted desperately.

He felt that it was beginning to collapse around him, but he no longer cared, he had lost something that he loved with his heart, something irreparable...
He didn't care about anything anymore...
Not even die...

3's forehead was full of sweat, he was too agitated by the nightmare that seemed so real to him.

- No... - he began to say while his tears came out of his eyes - No... No... NO.... NO -.

He started moving more, like he was trying to run and he even started crying a lot more and sweating too.

- NOOOOOOOOO!! - he shouted desperately.

At that moment, he opened his eyes, it had all been a dream... A horrible dream...

He was sweating profusely, his eyes were bursting with tears, and he felt very tired. He looked at his cell phone and realized that it was 3:30 in the afternoon, something that surprised the red-eyed man a lot, because for him only a few minutes had passed. He scratched his eyes, trying to wake up, while Eggdog licked his face.

He stayed lying down, it felt horrible to stand up at that moment, since he felt horrible...
His head hurt...
His chest hurt...
Everything hurts...

He decided that he would continue sleeping, since he was not in the mood to do anything. He closed his eyes again, but just as he began to dream, he heard someone knock on the door. He reluctantly went to see who it was.

- What...the...HELL... Do you want...?! - He asked, very angry.

- Hi-hi SMG3... - said SMG4's voice, somewhat scared.

At that moment he opened his eyes wide, he had just told 4 to leave because he didn't want to see him.

- I-I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else... - he said, passing his hands over his face again - Besides, I had a bad night, I didn't rest at all... -.

- Don't worry, I'm sorry to bother you, I didn't know -.

- No problem... W-what are you doing here...? -.

- Well, I came to give you something, but if you feel too tired I can come back in a while -.

- What thing...? -.

He took from one of his pockets a small black cloth bag with gold ribbons, inside it were two bracelets. He took them out and put on the one with a Sun, while he gave the red-eyed one the one with a Moon.

- And are you...? - asked 3 confused.

- They are special bracelets, because when you touch them they light up -.

The blue-eyed man then touched his bracelet, causing SMG3's bracelet to light up blue and purple.

- Waoh... They are very beautiful 4...Where did you get them...? -.

- In the City of Lights, I saw them and I liked them - he began to explain - They are very special, because it does not matter how far one person is from the other, as long as oneI touched her, the other will light up, a sign that you still love and miss each other -.

- And... Why did you give me the other one...? -.

- Well... Because you are someone very important to me... You are very special to me... You are my best friend... -.

4's cheeks turned deep red, it was obvious that he had tried to say something else, but he had failed.

After that they said goodbye and each one went home. In his room, lying on his bed, he realized that he had partially lost sleep. All his mixed feelings were speaking to him... But he ignored them, his cheeks turned completely red when he thought that he was special to the blue-eyed boy... He was madly in love with him...

Was staring at the bracelet for a long time, thinking about 4 and how happy it made him. Then he turned to look at the sky, it was already night, the Moon was shining brightly that night. Suddenly he began to see a shower of stars, he remembered that SMG4 had once told him that if you made a wish on a shooting star, it would come true.

- I wish to never be separated from 4... I wish to stay with him for the rest of my life... Because I love him... - he said with a somewhat tired and soft voice.

The meteor shower ended a few seconds later, but the red-eyed man could no longer observe, since he had fallen asleep right after making his wish...
A wish that came straight from his heart...

❄️ 3 Days Until Christmas ~ ❄️

(Eng) The Secret Santa - ✧A SMG4 Fanfic✧ _ ♡SMG34♡Where stories live. Discover now