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A few weeks have passed and somehow Medusa felt happier then ever. She spend some time for herself and some with her family and friends. She helped around the district to make herself feel a little better. All the inhabitants welcomed her with open arms, really happy to see her outside her house. They all knew what could happen to lonely victors. Medusa was always a loved person in district 4 and even after the games that didn't change. Medusa thought they all hated her because of what she had done while they forgave her easily and accepted the real her.

Before the games she always helped her mother and brother out at the marketplace. Her brother catches the fish, which she doesn't like doing, and her mother and her clean and sell the fish. Sometimes they also sell strawberries that grow in their garden. Or other things they could afford to loose. Now she, of course, had the money that the capitol gave her, which was absurdly much, but she enjoyed watching over the table now her mother was sick and wasn't able too anymore. She gave some of the money to her family and when she bought something she always gave a little extra. Now that she didn't have to worry about not having enough for herself anymore. 

She was kneading some dough for the bread that they were going to give away to a family in need. She was standing behind the table watching over as the day started. The morning sun already heating up her still pale skin. Lately, it had started to turn warmer and warmer which made Medusa really exited for when she could be able to go swimming again. She let her strawberry blonde hair loose and let in hang over her shoulders. A soft sound of melodies was heard through an old radio they had found. She happily hummed along, swaying side to side. 

'Good morning, Medusa!,' Teddy yelled, catching her attention. He was carrying a basket which was filled with a bunch of fish. She send him an honest smile, white teeth sparkling in the sunlight. She only now noticed Finnick walking along side him. A second basket in his hand, informing her that they went fishing together. 

'Morning, boys! Had a good catch?,' She asked the two, eyes flaring down on the dough as she continued to knead the bread. The apron that was tightly wrapped around her hips was already becoming dirty. 

It's these moments that she was forever grateful for her life that she had. Sure she had her ups and downs just like so many people in their life, but it's only then that you realize how strong you actually can be. It's pitiful that her life was so hard at one specific moment and she had to fight her way through those moments alone, but now she wasn't anymore. She had her brother, Finnick and mother. 

She and Finnick made up a few weeks ago. When she had her panic attack. He explained why he left and Medusa forgave him. Ever since then they were sort of best friends again. Sort of because the both of them discovered they had feelings for each other that they didn't want to admit. Sometimes it was still a little difficult, but Medusa tried to push past her own feelings and accept other ones.

'Sure did. Look how many we caught,' Finnick exclaims, dropping his basket on the table. He opened the lid, making Medusa gag from the stench. Finnick playfully rolled his eyes, before closing the lid again. He placed his hands on his hips, examining what she was doing. 'Drama queen,'

She laughed slightly, looking in his eyes for a few seconds before growing too nervous of the intense look of the sea-green eyes making contact with hers. Medusa glanced down again at the soon to be bread. 'Your life story, no?' She playfully remarked, grinning from ear to ear. She burst out laughing as she saw his angry face. Finnick's face twisted from a frown to a smile as he heard her laugh, generously enjoying watching her. 

Teddy groaned. 'Whatever lovebirds, stop flirting in front of me!,' The both of them stopped laughing. He grinned seeing their red faces as they avoid each others stare. 'I'm gonna go see Maria,' 

Maria was Teddy's new girlfriend. They got together during Medusa's games and if you asked her, they were so cute together. Always showing their affection in public and smiles bright. She already met the girl a few times and she was so sweet and caring. Immediately, Finnick and Medusa grinned mischievously at one another, knowing what they were about to do. 

'Don't have to much fun!,' They said at the same time, bursting out laughing as they did. Teddy threw his hand up in anger. Not sparring them a look back. Medusa bend over laughing, holding her dirty hands up in front of her. Finnick did the same, pressing a hand on her back to hold his balance. Butterflies irrupted in her stomach. 

It took a few minutes before they calmed down again and still they were left breathlessly and gasping for air. Finnick glanced at Medusa again, noticing how beautiful she looked right now. His heart fell in his chest as he realized that she could never be his. Her eyes sparkled with light and Finnick didn't want to be the one to take that away. 

Medusa shakes her head in disbelief before noticing Finnick's stare on her. 'What is it? Is there something in my hair?,' She self-consciously ran her hand through her hair. Not before cleaning it of course. He grabbed the side of her jaw at the question, bringing her head up so she can meet his eyes. He feels the comfort that they bring and smiles brightly. His thumb runs subconsciously over the same place and Medusa feels so save right now it's a little dumb. A few minutes pass by, but for neater of them it feels that long. Just them staring in each other's eyes. 

'You know you're beautiful, right?,' His words make her stomach drop. Then her stomach flips and drops again. There are no words that describe how happy those words made her. Especially coming from him. She wants to hear it again. And again. But only out of his mouth. Because she would never grow tired of him. Her gaze softens as the tips of her lips turn upwards, reaching her eyes. She melts in the comfort of his hand on her jaw and his thumb that runs comforting circles. 

'Thank you,' She tells him honestly. The soft tunes of the music swirl around them. Medusa starts humming along with them, starting to sway softly. She grabs both his hands and pulls him forward. A little closer to her. Her breath hitches as she noticed how close she actually pulled him. Finnick's hands immediately shooting up in his defense. His mouth falls open as he tries to find the words to tell her he doesn't dance or rather that he can't dance, but Medusa beats him to it. 

'Come on, old douche. Loosen up a little!,' She grabs his hand again, spinning it around so that he has to turn around. She has to stand on her tip-toes to be able to reach over his head, but once his completely turned his hands quickly fly around her waist, lifting her up from the ground. She yelled out, frightened and alarmed. 

'Finnick, put me down,' She says. Afraid that he'll drop her. Her eyebrows pull hard together. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip to stop it from trembling. Her feet fight to find the hard ground again. Once she notices the teasing expression on his face she tries to pull at his arms to put her down. She lets out a small yell as Finnick goes harder on purpose. 'I'm dead serious right now,' Her own hands land on his upper arms for support as he swings her around in circles.

'Relax, darling. I'm not going to drop you,' At her words she visibly relaxed. Directly choosing to believe his words. It took a few seconds before she found herself growing more and more comfortable. She generously laughed, loving the feeling of the wind in her hair and his big hands on her waist. When he put her down again, she almost fell against him. That's how hard she laughed. 

She giggled and wraps her arms around his neck, bringing him down. His wrap around her waist as the couple dances slightly, swaying side to side. She rest her head against his chest in comfort, generously not knowing a time when she was happier in her life. And as did he.


Two months for one update. Not my proudest moment. Anyways thanks for almost 2k reads. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me for my daily life insides!

'Kay, don't forget to smile!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 11 ⏰

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