Her mom. Oh my god. If this was real then... then Aurora had the chance to save her mom this time. Two chances. But she didn't, just like in her dream Aurora was cowardly. Only thinking of her safety.

It was like as soon as she started to think of her mom. What happened had just truly hit her. The car, the giant, fighting, her mom, all the running she did. All the fear she felt within all those moments.

She felt the tears hit her face in mere seconds. Laying down on the dirt she put her arms down for her head to rest and stayed like that for a while.

All those times Aurora felt alone before were nothing compared to this. She was utterly alone, nothing but dead plants surrounding her.

So, instead of drowning in her thoughts like every other night, she was left to dry out with the guilt. The guilt that she could've saved her mother.

And as Aurora finally started to fall asleep, the sun rose.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

Waking up very groggy. Aurora slowly got up. She was a mess. Covered in dried blood and dirt, her hair was unbrushed, her face puffy from crying last night, and her limbs sore because of where she slept.

Pushing all that to the side. She looked around her. Like last night there was nothing basically nothing around. However unlike last night Aurora could see flashing blue and red lights in the distance from where she ran away.

Hope sparked in her chest. She could get help. She would find out the truth. Was it real or not. Or was she just going insane. Going off her looks right now you would probably choose the latter.

Aurora got ready to walk until she felt her ankle go out. Shit. She forgot about her ankle. Now that all the adrenaline had wore off. The pain came crashing down on her.

Ignoring it the best she could she slowly limped her way over to the lights. She knew she would get there fast enough so she did what all smart people do. And she screamed.

"Help" Aurora yelled her voice slightly cracking as she does. "Help" She kept repeating it until the lights were coming towards her and the sound of sirens started to fill her ears.

As soon as the cars were closer, some officers came out of the cars and started to walk toward her. She could hear the faint sound of voices in her head, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Most likely questions about who she was, what she was doing here and what happened.

Aurora didn't answer though. She couldn't think right. And then next thing she knew her world went black.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

She heard the same voices she did before she passed out. Opening her eyes she saw that she was in some kind of white room. Looking around a little further she saw medical equipment. She must be in a hospital.

She reached her hand up to her face and she felt the bandages on her forehead and under her eyes. Then looking at the bottom of the bed she saw that her foot was wrapped up.

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