"I don't know what to do guys, he hasn't answered any of my calls, texts or emails." Sunghoon said as he ruffled his hair. Sunghoon had invited Jay, Heesung, and Niki over to his condo. "It's going to be ok hyung, he's just going through a tough time, just give him some space." Niki said as he patted his hyung on the back. " I know, I just can't help and wor-" Sunghoon said as Jungwon and Sunoo busted through the door.

"HYUNGS! WE NEED TO FIND JAKE!" Jungwon yelled as he ran to the group of boys on the couch. "Why what's wrong?!" Sunghoon asked as he got up. Sunoo walked up to the group and showed them what was playing on his phone screen.

It was an Instagram livestream from Hana's account. She was recording herself talk "This what happens when you wanna be the center of attention." She said, then she flipped her camera. The camera was showing her friends in the bathroom, in the bathroom with them was a duck-taped Jake getting his face dunked in the toilet. His hands were taped behind his back and he had duck tape on his mouth. He looked terrified and wet, covered in toilet water and small scratches all over his face. " Get the makeup out girls, let's show with tw*nk what it's like when someone wants to date a boy." She said in a disgusted voice. Then the live stream ended.

Sunghoon clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as snow, and small tears started to form in his eyes. "Hyung.." Jungwon said as he grabbed Sunghoons shoulder. Before they could react, Sunghoon sprinted out of his condo. They boys all looked at each other before quickly following the skater.

Sunghoon bursted through school doors and went to every bathroom he could find in the school, his friends following right behind him, calling Jake's name, but getting no response. After 15 minutes, they still couldn't find the Australian boy. "Guys we've looked everywhere and he's still not here!" Jay said as he tried to catch his breath. "What if they took him." Sunoo gasped. Sunghoon tried to think of a clue that could help find Jake. "Have we checked the library?" Sunghoon asked. No one answered. The silence only lasted for 3 seconds because then the boys barged into the library. They all looked around and called Jake's name. "GUYS I FOUND SOMETHING" Niki yelled. Everyone ran over to him and saw Jake's things sitting in a chair. "He has to be here, he would never leave his stuff alone." Jay said as he recognized the dog keychain on the boy's backpack. "There's a bathroom on the second level on the library!" Heesung said, which caused all of them to speed upstairs. They made it to the second floor and went to the girls bathroom. Nothing. They went to the boys bathroom and say Jake, shaking, wet, cold, drunk...? and being cleaned up by


Sunghoon almost broke down the door and ran up to Eunjoo, while the rest ran to help Jake. "What is wrong with you huh, you couldn't handle me breaking up with you so you had to hurt him?!" Sunghoon practically yelled as he held onto Eunjoo's arm, hurting her. "Sunghoon please let go." Eunjoo pleaded in a soft voice.

"Sunghoon let her go." Jake said in a slight whisper.
"What else did you and your friend do to him?!" Sunghoon yelled, the veins in his arms popping out. "Let go you're hurting me" "TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO HIM!!"

"HOON STOP!!" Jake screamed as he stood up and ran to the skater to remove his and from Eunjoo's wrist. "Eunjoo had nothing to do with this, she was the one that stopped them." Jake said with sad eyes.

30 minutes ago..

Eunjoo walked into the library finding a new book to read. Ever since her and Sunghoon broke up, she was finding a way to cheer herself up, and reading became her new obsession, horror books if you ask her. She found two books to read and went to check them out in the upper level. As she walked up the step, she could smell the slightest hint of alcohol. Is someone really drinking in the library? She thought to herself. When she got to the top, the entire upper level smelt like alcohol. She held her nose as she walked to see if she could find another book, but the alcohol smell was too much, she ran to the bathroom to get some air. "God people really are animals." She mumbled to herself. As she exited the bathroom she heard talking coming from the boys bathroom.

"Let me go you bitches." "Put more make up on his face!" "Hold him down!" "You're filming this right?"
Eunjoo walked up to the door with slightly opening it, and was horrified by what she saw. Her 3 best friends, her ride or dies, were hurting her ex's  new boyfriend. Jake was covered in smeared makeup, small nail scratches, and from where she was standing, she could smell the alcohol on him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Eunjoo yelled as she slammed her hand on the sink, startling everyone in the bathroom. "Hey Eunjoo, we are just teaching this twink a lesson" one of her friends says as she adds more lipstick on Jake's face, but screams when Jake bites her finger. "WHAT FUCKING LESSON?!" Eunjoo yelled as she ran to help Jake. "Eunjoo what the hell are you doing, don't help that f*ggot, he stole Sunghoon from you!" Hana yelled. Eunjoo was raging, she looked around and found a  full bottle of alcohol. Before she could stop herself, she slapped Hana as hard as she could and threw the alcohol all over her 'friends'.

"YAH EUNJOO!!" Hana screamed.

"You're all bitches! Stay away from me and Jake! And if you lay another hand him, so help me god I will hurt you so much more." Eunjoo said she pulled Hana's hair and pushed her to the ground, cause the 4 girls to scramble out of the bathroom.

Eunjoo turned her attention to Jake who was trying to get his hands out of the duct tape. "Im so so sorry Jake, I had no idea they were gonna do this to you." Eunjoo said, helping Jake get free from the tape. "It's ok Eunjoo I'm....ok" Jake said stumbling his words, slightly drunk from the alcohol being shoved in his mouth and the alcohol being poured on him.

"Here let me clean you up." She said as she got makeup wipes from her purse and started to clean the make from Jake's face. For some reason, Jake felt safe with Eunjoo, he knew that she wouldn't hurt him, but he was still hesitant. "Thank you... Eunjoo." Jake mumbled. Eunjoo just smiled at him, then Sunghoon busted in the door....

"Im sorry Eunjoo, I didn't mean to hurt you." Sunghoon apologized, bowing his head. "It's ok hoon, I understand." She said smiling. "I tried my best to clean him up, but I'll let you guys have the rest." She giggled as she started to walk out.

"Uh guys, we have a huge problem." Sunoo said in a panicked tone. "What now?!" Jay said in annoyance. Sunoo showed his phone to everyone.

Hana had posted the recordings of Jake in the bathroom onto Eunjoo's Instagram account...

AFTER ALMOST 3 YEARS IM FINALLY BACK AND HAVE POSTED CHAPTER 20 AND ONE OF MY LONGEST CHAPTERS!! I hope my writing is better from 3 years ago to now :ooo

I hope everyone has a beautiful day and don't forget to comment and vote<3333

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 14 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

W H Y  M E ? | Jake X SunghoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon