~ 17|| Fake Love ~

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Flashback 15 years ago, Author Pov:

Jay: 5 Jungwon: 4

"Wonie!! How does it to feel to be 4?" Jongseong asked sitting next to Jungwon on the velvet couch. "It feels great Jongseongie!" Jungwon said with a big smile on his face, while giving his best friend a piece of chocolate. Jongseong took it and sat next to Jungwon. Jungwon had just turned 4 and only wanted to spend time at Jongseong's house with his best friend. Even though Jongseong was 2 years older, he still treats Jungwon as if he was the same age. "Bu you sit have that same voice~" Jongseong teased.

Jungwon's parents always make fun of Jungwon's voice, for how it sounds like a cartoon character. Jungwon had a high voice growing up, so he often got picked on for it. And that's something Jungwon's doesn't like, it makes him feel bad himself. Jungwon's face fell when Jongseong talked about his voice. "aww~ I'm just playing Wonie." Jongseong said while giving Jungwon a kiss on the cheek.

That was something Jongseong and Jungwon would do, if one person was sad, then the other person would kiss his cheek make him feel better. It was usually Jongseong always kissing Jungwon on the cheek since Jungwon was more sensitive. Once Jongseong gave him a kiss, then Jungwon became happy again, which made Jongseong smile even more. "What did you wish for Wonie?" He asked as he pulled Jungwon into a tight hug.

"I wished for you to never leave me, and you will love me forever!" Jungwon said while snuggling his face in Jongseong's chest. Jongseong put his hand and stroked that back of Jungwon's head, "I'll never leave you Wonie, Never EVER!" He said.

He'll never leave me, he said.....

3 years later:

Jay: 8, Jungwon: 6

A year later, Jungwon and Jongseong started school, now Jongseong is in 2nd, going into 3rd grade, and Jungwon got moved from kinder to 2nd grade because of how smart he was.

It was now summer time and both boys were spending almost every second of everyday together. They would either be at Jungwon's house watching movies, playing tag, or just cuddling and telling random stories about last school year. Or they would be at Jongseong's house, running around the house and looking at room's they've never seen before, playing in his pool, or playing with Jongseong's cool toys.

If they weren't at anyone's houses, then they were at the park. Summer, Winter, and Spring Break were always the best times for Jongseong and Jungwon, as they got to spend everyday together. But going to the park means that Jungwon would see some of his old classmates. All of his classmates bullied Jungwon because of his voice, saying that its annoying or that it sound like a girls voice. So they would tell him to go to the girls restroom or go play with the girls, or they would throw food at him or throw water at him so he could fix his voice. All of this happened with kids his age and people that were older, but not as old as Jongseong.

One day, Jungwon and Jongseong went to the park to play around before dinner. Jungwon went on the swing while Jongseong went to talk to one of his friend's that was at the park. Jungwon new that Jongseong had many friends so he didn't mind being by himself for a few minutes, well that was, until he saw two of his bullies. He started to panic as he tried to start swinging, but it was useless when on the them stopped the swing. "Whatcha doing here girly voice?" One of the bullies said, stepping in front of Jungwon.

Jungwon was terrified, all of the kids started starring, everyone except Jongseong and his friends. "Aww...are you scared like a little girl." The same bully said while pointing at a little girl, then at Jungwon. "Leave me alone Dowon.." Jungwon semi-yelled, as he held onto the medal chains of the swing. "There it is! That annoying girl voice!" Dowon yelled, now making everyone stare at what his friends were doing to Jungwon. One of Dowon's friends went behind Jungwon and pushed him off the swing, making him fall into the wood chips (Did y'all have those too?)

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