Chapter 12: A BATTLE OF TIME

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Consumed by the thoughts

of despair,

I turn back to

See my past self stare.

Eyes all pure

With innocence,

Yet with a heart all

Dark and torn apart.

Shaking my head vigorously,

I turn towards the other side,

Just to face

myself from,

The future time.

A tear slides down my face

As I alternate between


As I stared at myself

To back when

I was a child.

I take her in a warm embrace.

I ask her how she was.

Was she happy!

Or was she in tears?

I look up at her face

As I say,

Oh dear how have u been,

I am sorry I couldn't

Protect you from

Them demons back then.

It's okay dear,

She smiles in tears.

I don't blame you at all,

I know for sure that you have

Grown up to prosper.

Afterall we are only here to

Help you realise your worth.

Self doubt engulfs me

I turn to my own self

from future .

I don't know,

 WHISPERS OF THE SOUL  ||Poetry|| ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant