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Now, Percy wondered again. Was Menodora the same as his mother, accepting love that ceased to resemble hers?

Well, if she was, Percy could finally use the innumerable amount of life lessons his mother had given him. At this point, Percy was a D1 player when it came to everyday life. Perhaps he was a bit out of practice since his life was everything but everyday.

A heavy raindrop splashed onto Percy's head and shook his thoughts like a loud mixer, and soon enough, he had been sucked back into reality. Annabeth stared at the sky with longing eyes, the combination of blond and gray braids becoming one with the swerving wind. The moonlight accentuated the grime and cuts on her face, serving as a reminder to Percy that Luke Castellan had died by the hand of Thalia that night, and Annabeth was forced to watch it all unfold.

He had no clue how he could've lost himself so deeply in his own head that he hadn't talked to her about it yet. That happened sometimes. Once, he skipped an entire day of school hanging around in subway because he couldn't get rid of the annoying little scratch in the back of his mind that just had to know if the subway went on forever or not.

"I'm sorry about Luke," Percy said, and after silently flying over an entire city, Percy regretted ever speaking that traitor's name. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned—"

Annabeth covered her lower face with her palm and glared as if she was in deep thoughts, which she always did when she had doubts shadowing her. "He just fell. We can't confirm his death. There's still hope."

Percy wanted to protest, but he didn't. Hope. Hope he fell down alright, yeah. How long was it going to last? Annabeth was still clinging onto Luke like a leech, thinking she's sucking blood while she's unconsciously filling herself with mortal poison.

"Yeah, maybe."

Percy could tell they were approaching New York  City—he recognized Lake George. Everytime they passed a Target sign, Percy's heart ached a bit as the air remained unharmed, not being torn apart by Zoë's speedy arrows.

He and Annabeth being the only two awake, engrossed into conversation about her dad. Percy had seen their reunion as a green light to talk about San Francisco again, but apparently he was colorblind. Annabeth had snapped at him and they took three steps back to awkward silence.

At least Menodora seemed at ease. Her serene breathing had a calming effect on Percy, reminding him of the calm waves in open waters. Her arms were limply placed around Percy's waist, the wind playing with the golden bracelets Zoë had offered her. The smile that graced her lips when Zoë and Grover had dressed her in the now dirty and thorn clothes she was wearing, was playing mind games with his head.

Percy wanted to give her gold jewellery and receive that smile as a reward.

Then, his mind moved onto how she had basically become a glow-human in the dark. It had scared the living crap out of him. How could so many emotions fit in one person?

"She seems nice," Annabeth said, regarding Menodora with fault-finding eyes. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Percy frowned peculiarly, curious to know as to why Annabeth would assume that. "Why would you think that?"

"I don't know," Annabeth said swiftly. "I mean, she fought a titan for you, and she held up the sky for you. Not everyone would be as thrilled to do that for whoever."

❛ 𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 ❜  ━━ 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐘 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt