Chapter 9

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The outfit

------------------|   Y/N POV   |------------------

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|   Y/N POV   |

We stood in the centre of the city. I was giving them a tour of the island.
My patience was getting shorter with every moment. The green haired idiot of a swordsman kept getting lost, when his only job was to follow me around. At one point I got so fed up with him, I tied a rope to his wrist, with a thread to cut off his hand if he removed it.
The group was laughing at Zoro's suffering and humiliation as he shuddered under my harsh words, but I didn't have it and glared at the group. Shutting them up effectively.
A sigh passed my lips as I felt a slight tug at the rope, the idiot tried to wander off again. Pulling him back to my side, hearing him grumble under his breath.
Ignoring his insults thrown my way, I just continued with the tour.
Gesturing to an impressively carved statues above a fountain, explaining the reason behind it. "This stature is of the first pair to bond on this island. They figured out how to make more wyvern young survive their birth, creating a lifelong bond between rider and wyvern. They also settled the war between the dragons and us, giving us the peace we have now."
The only one who seemed truly interested in our history was Robin, she clung to every word spoken.
Luffy interrupted the history lesson, fishing something out of his nose in complete boredom. "When can we do something?" He whined, swaying side to side to emphasize his boredom.
Sighing at the fifth time he asked the question during the tour. Giving up at trying to make him learn about our past. An idea popping in my mind, that would certainly give the boy something to do.
"Will you shut up if I let you ride a wyvern?"
That seemed to get his attention, his endless energy bounding around. "Yeah!" He called out, never expecting that offer. Looking in every direction, probably ready to run off as soon as I told him where to go.
Turning my attention to Robin and Chopper. "Do you remember where the library is?"
Both nodded, Robin humming in affirmation.
"You can find some books on our history and medical knowledge there. If you tell the librarian that commander Y/N sent you, she will guide you too the restricted section. There should be some information of the hundred-year void. Only about our island though, there should even be a poneglyph." I spoke to her and the little doctor. Both of them setting off to the library in the distance.
Advising Nami and Sanji of a good shopping mall close by. Sending them off as well.
"We will just return to the ship." Frankly spoke up after everyone had left to do their own thing. Brook and Usopp following the cyborg to their home.
"See you all later." I yelled after them, getting a waive in return from them.
"The tour is over, so now let me go." Zoro complained, having enough of being pulled around. Mostly him pulling me around.
"If I let you go, you will probably get lost within seconds." I sighed with annoyance. "No, you will come with us. If you like it or not."
Luffy was bouncing on his feet a few steps away. "Hurry up, I wanna fly."
"Coming!" I yelled back, tugging the swordsman after me. Guiding both of them to the wyvern nest.

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