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Mentions of blood, wounds and battle.

The wyvern and saddle

----------------------------------------|    3rd Person POV, Wyvern   |----------------------------------------

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|    3rd Person POV, Wyvern   |

The navy ships were crowding around a wyvern and his rider, leaving no way of retreat.  The mission was finished, but the retreat didn't go as planed.
    The wyvern growled lowly, hoping to scare off a few marines. They only took a step back, not retreating in fear.
    A heavy object flew over his head, the girl yelling in alarm at the incoming cannonball.
    Diving towards the ocean in haste, dodging the attacks of gunfire and cannonballs alike. A roar left his throat at the pain in his wing. Throwing a quick glance over his shoulder, seeing a harpoon sinking in at the joint. Blood trickling down the wound in a slow pace.
    Trying to gain altitude again, the pain flaring up even higher than before with the movement.
    "Retreat!" The girl yelled in a panic as she saw the wound.
    Agreeing with her, he turned tail. Flying away from the dangers surrounding them. Away from the canon- and gunfire.
    As he turned around, he heard his rider yell in fear. A cannonball was flying straight at her.
    He fired at the ship who shot it. Nothing but splinter remained, all shooting off in different directions.
    Dodging the incoming metal ball, but the pieces of the ship followed the thing.
    He heard a yell of pain behind him. Looking at the rider, watching her eyes close and blood dripping across her face. A pice of wood had scraped over her eyes, knocking her unconscious in the process.
    Beating his wings as fast as he could, leaving the navy behind. Fleeing to wherever it would be possible to rest and heal.

The wyvern's wings were moving faster, but failing to stay afloat. The harpoon wound in his wing bleeding more and more with every wing beat. The ground coming in closer and closer.
    The animal gave up on trying to continue on. The island looked save in his eyes. The trees would hide them well enough from the sky.
    The wyvern's last act before the crash was to turn around in the sky, grabbing the falling girl in his claw. His wings encapsulating the frail human. In his haste a bit of his claw punctured her side, but she didn't react to the new wound.
    Tucking in his tail and head, ready for impact. A cry of pain escaped his jaw as the harpoon dug further into his flesh. The birds resting the trees flying away in alarm.
    Letting his body rest for a moment. The trees and dirt showing the rough slide he made.
    Peering underneath his wings, looking over the human in his claw. Still safely in place. Most like a bruise would form on her side from the rough landing, but the stench of blood emanating from underneath his wings overwhelmed his senses. The amount of blood she was losing alarmed the creature.
    He blew a small cloud of smoke at the unmoving girl. Normally she would get mad at him for the disgusting smell it gave, sometimes even hitting his nose in defence. But the girl didn't move a single muscle, laying limply in the wyvern's claw.
    A rumble rose up from his chest, a soft plea. One hopeful enough to the wake the girl. She never moved, completely lifeless within his encapsulated wings.
    With one last resort left, the creature turned his head to the sky and roared out in pain and frustration. A final call for help.

A wyvern's luck, One Piece fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant