Chapter 3

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A bit of blood and a wound.

The outfit

------------------|   Y/N POV   |------------------

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|   Y/N POV   |

Smiling softly at the dinner table, listing to the bickering between crew mates as the meal was in full swing. Different voices filling my ears, some I could give names too, others not. But every voice was filled with happiness, even those who fought had a laugh woven through them.
    The atmosphere warm and welcoming. Laughing along with a joke spoken to me from a new person at my side. His laugh being contagious, the rattling of bones making the sound even better.
    "Ah, pardon me." He spoke up. Making me look at him, my giggling coming to a short halt. My head tipping to the side, my blind eyes watching his energy. "May I see your panties?"
    Before I could answer, a sharp hit was dealt to the man's head. "No, you can't." The female voice, who had dragged me before, yelled at him.     Making my own connection that she also had hit him. Looks like she is the mother of the group.
    Gniffeling softly under my breath at the crying man. Enjoying his suffering slightly, the fork in my hand shielding my upwards turned lips.
    Sensing something strange coming towards my food. In a fast movement, I flipped the fork around, teeth facing towards the table. In a fluid motion stabbing whatever was coming my way, pinning it successfully to the table. Using more force than was necessary, but it was split second decision.
    A yell echoed across the dining room, silencing everyone present. All eyes were on the captain, who had slight tears in his eyes from pain. His arm stretched across the table.
    The crew followed the arm slowly, looking for what had their captain in such a bind. Their eyes reached me holding a frock straight through his hand, who's fingers were mere inches away from my plate. My face held no emotion at what happed. I wasn't even looking at the hand I held pinned down. Not noticing what I had done.
    Feeling eyes boring into my body, tilting my head at their unusual silence. "What?" My confused tone resonating across the room, accompanying my head tilt.
    The silence held on for a few more seconds, until everyone burst out into laughter.
    My own confusion rising with the seconds. My head moving around the laughing members. "What?" I echoed my own question again.
    The screams of their captain drowned out by all the laughing of the people around. Somebody leaned closer to me. The rattling of bones giving them away. "Pardon, Miss. It seems like you stopped our captain from stealing your food." He explained helpfully.
    "Oh..." I murmured softly to myself, letting his words sink in for a moment. "Oh!" I yelled, removing the metal object from his hand. A whooshing sound rang across the table, before it snapped back into place.
    The boy blowing on his swollen and red hand, a bit of blood trickling down the puncture wound.
    My head snapping to their captain. Bowing my head, "I am so sorry." I started to apologise.
    "No need," I heard from behind me, "it was his own fault." The female voice was soft and caring. Her warm hand resting on my shoulder, letting me know where she was.
    Tilting my head back at the woman. A smile graced my lips, understanding what she was indicating at. It was his own fault for trying to steal a blind girl's food, even going as far to underestimate me. I laughed with the group at his antics, understanding that their captain was led by his stomach, not his mind.
    The reindeer bandaging his captain's hand, screaming bloody murder in the process at him. Their cook scolding him about stealing from a lady, before waddling over to me. Asking if I was okay or hurt anywhere.
    I laughed softly, waiving the cook off with my hand. "I am fine. You should worry more about your doctor. The little guy is going to pass out if he doesn't take a breath soon, not with all the screaming he does."
    And right as I finished my sentence, the small reindeer fell unconscious. Completely out of breath from all the yelling.
    The crew was silent for a minute, before they erupted into their normal busy behaviour.
    I shook my head, standing up slowly. Walking over to the fainted creature. Kneeling beside him, my hand steadily moving to his body. Lifting him up in my arms, carrying him like a baby. Petting his head, feeling him stir slightly. Gniffeling softly in his sleep.
    Rising to my feet, my bandaged eyes looking over the stunned crew. "Can someone guid me to his quarters?" I questioned the group. The reindeer pressed against my chest, keeping him safe. "The little guy could use some peaceful rest after all that." A sweet smile gracing my lips as I watched the resting energy of the reindeer in my arms.
    "I will help you." A female voice spoke up, the soft and caring one. Her footsteps came towards me, a hand resting on my shoulder soon after. Guiding me softly to the door.
    The door creaked open with a soft tug, my mind wandering off towards the strange group still seated at the table. Quietly looking my way as I had my back turned to them. Remembering something important.
    Halting my steps with that thought, turning around to the group again. A sweet smile gracing my lips. "Thank you all for saving me and Nocturne." I bowed slightly at my words. Rising up again, holding my shoulders back, straightening my spine. My smile widening with my last words. "I haven't introduced myself yet, haven't I? Y/N, my name is L/N Y/N."
    Turning back to the woman, letting her hand return to my shoulder. The door falling closed behind us.
    "Well Y/N, we know your name now, but you don't know ours." The soft voice spoke up. Continuing to guide me through the ship. A place where the reindeer could rest quietly.
    "I know a few through pure luck," I answered her honestly, "but I don't know yours."
    "Robin, call me Robin." The female voice spoke, a gracious smile adoring her lips.

The boy's dorm room was in sight, letting Robin lead the way through the mess. The hammock of the small, fluffy doctor being placed at the back.
    Being carful, not dropping the small reindeer in my arms, I laid him in his bed. Feeling around for a blanket, being handed one by the woman accompanying me. Tucking in the reindeer with soft and caring hands. Hearing him turn around with a contend sigh. Giggling in his sleep as I caressed his head.
    Leaning in closer, whispering in his ear; "Goodnight, little guy. Thank you for healing my wounds." My tone happy and content, loud enough for the woman to hear as well.
    I had no ill intend too any of them, they were my saviours after all. I may still not fully trust them, but trust can be built and right now it was rising in my chest. The feeling all too familiar, like the trust of the wyverns at home.
    The happy feeling was replaced with a slight tug in my chest at the memory, a small wish to go home. As silent and little the feeling was, the memory was stronger about the island. My smile falling from my lips and I stopped petting the reindeer.
    Robin noticed something was wrong, with silent steps coming over. Questioning my sudden change in behaviour. "Is something wrong?" Her hand resting on my shoulder again.
    Shaking my head, letting the memory fall to the background of my mind. Reeling in my emotions. "I am fine, don't worry." The smile returning to my lips, turning to show her.
    I could feel her hesitating for a moment, not quite believing my words. But deciding to drop the subject in the end.
    "We should return." I distracted Robin from her thoughts. Not giving her much of a change to doubt her decision. Beginning to walk back to the dining room. Letting her wander behind me, still a bit lost in thought.
    The dark sky, filled with thousands of stars illuminating our path. Stopping at the railing of the ship. My hand resting on the painted wood. My blind eyes focused on the shining black scales in distance, the bond letting me know he was close.
    My own mind wandering just as much as Robin's, who stood at my side. Watching the same creature sleeping in the distance.
    Taking a deep breath, thinking that sharing wouldn't cause too much trouble for the crew. "You know," I started, Robin humming to my words, letting me know she was listening. "I was just returning home from my mission, when the Navy shot us down. Why I don't know, we never made contact with them. Nevertheless, attacked them. Our island is isolated from the world for the safety of our companions."
    My words hanging in the air. The silence that followed was louder than the words I had spoken.
Robin stayed quiet, waiting for me to continue or maybe not even at all. Her body never moving, only her eyes darted toward my leaning figure.
    "The only thing I can remember before passing out, was the yelling of the soldiers." My voice lowered at the memory. I know that Nocturne is a massive legendary creature, but the New World was full of those things. You never know when they would show up, we didn't even know what more there was in those waters.
    "We aren't even pirates." A single tear escaped my eye, not falling to the ground, instead the bandages covering my eyes absorbing it.
    Robin hummed softly to my words. Shifting her position, now her side was leaning against the railing. Watching me silently, before answering. "We also don't know that the world government is thinking most of the time."
    I looked at her in confusion. Not understanding what she was getting at.
    Seeing my confusion, elaborating her words. "The only thing I can understand is that they take down those they see as dangerous. You may have fallen under that category, maybe even your entire island."
    I thought over her words, turning my head back to the sleeping wyvern. Humming to her words, letting her know I heard her.
    "I don't know what happed on your mission, but I can assure you that once our captain has made up his mind about something. He is never letting it go."
    Her words gave me, strangely enough, comfort in my own mind. The inner turmoil being halted for a moment. With this pirate crew I would be save enough from the world government until I was healed and able to return home.
    "We should return to the others." Robin spoke up after a short moment. "They may come looking for us otherwise."
    I laughed silently at her words. Seeing them frantically looking around for us in my minds eye. "Yeah, you are probably right."
    Robin laughed with me just as softly. Not wishing to alarm the others in the process of our laughs.
    But my mind wander back to my mission. How did they get their hands on it? How were they able to find our island? So many questions without answers floated around my mind. Not giving me a single moment of rest.

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