The Unexpected Call

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Leaving NYU behind, I trudge through the congested city streets, the weight of another mundane day clinging to my shoulders. The scorching sun beats down relentlessly, casting harsh shadows amidst the bustling chaos of honking cars and hurried pedestrians. Yet, beneath the facade of everyday life, an unshakeable unease gnaws at my insides, a foreboding sense of impending doom.

My phone jolts to life in my pocket, the caller ID flashing 'Police Station'. Dad wasn't meant to be working today. Dread washes over me as I answer, my voice trembling. "Hello?"

"Sofia Johnson?" The voice on the other end is grave, sending shivers down my spine.

"Yeah, it's me. What's going on?" My mind races, conjuring visions of catastrophe.

"It's Officer Smith, I'm going to need you to come down to the station as soon as possible" it's my father's colleague.

"Brandon? Is everything okay? Is dad okay?" Brandon is dad's good friend. He'd tell me if something was off.

"Soph..." he sighs. "Please come down to the station?"

"I'm on foot so I'll see you soon" I tell him.

"Where are you? I'll come to pick you up" he asks.

"I'm just off 5th Avenue, outside the ice cream shop, I'll wait here for you" I end the call.

What is going on? Why did he sound like that? I home my dad's okay. I pick up my phone and dial his number. After a sequence of rings, his voice chimes and my posture stiffens, ready to question him.

"Hey, this is Steven! I'm away from the phone right now but I'll try to call you back. Please don't leave a message. Bye"

No answer.

I try again.





5 times.

No answer.

I try to calm myself down. 'He's probably just in the shower' I tell myself. 'This is just a misunderstanding' I tell myself.

Brandon pulls over onto the side of the road and winds down his window.

"Hop in Soph"

I open the door and prop myself in the front seat.

The drive was completely silent. I don't know what felt worse, the uneasy silence or when he'd gaze at me through the reflection in the mirror. Almost to check that I haven't disappeared.

Once we reach the police station he gets out and ushers me into a questioning room with 2 females. They're not police officers.

"What's wrong with my dad?" I ask. Brandon's shoulders drop.

"Would you like some water?" One of the ladies asks.

"I would like to know what is wrong with my dad" I demand, with a shaky voice.

"Please? Sit?" Brandon asks.

"I regret to inform you, but your father has been involved in an accident," Brandon declares, each word a dagger to my heart. "He's been implicated in a homicide."

My world crumbles in an instant. My dad? A murder? It's inconceivable. "No, that can't be right..." I stammer, disbelief clouding my senses.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss, Miss Johnson," one of the ladies offer condolences.

The air feels heavy. Too heavy. My eyes flash around the room. I can see mouths moving but I can't hear anything. Something about social workers?

And then, amidst the chaos, a revelation emerges like a bolt from the blue. The social workers exchange solemn glances before delivering the fateful words – I'm adopted.

Adopted? The word reverberates in my mind, shattering the fragile illusion of my identity. My world spins, teetering on the brink of oblivion as the ground beneath me gives way.

My eyes fix on the door handle. Brandon stands from his seat. I can't breathe. I need to get out of here.

I race to the door, weaving my way through the station amidst the chaos and out the door.

My legs fail to cease. I'm not sure where I'm headed.

When my legs stop and my lungs feel like they're on the brink of explosion, I am met with an eerie home.

My home.

I expected to intrude on his Monday night football. Or walk in on him preparing dinner.

I am only met with gore.

Police tape.

Police cars.

Police officers.

My car is situated in the open garage with police officers prodding and pressing things. He was teaching me how to drive just yesterday.

Another vehicle pulls up.


"Darling, please hop into the car. We'll explain everything at the station"


"You were adopted around 2 years old"

"You've got siblings, and they've taken custody of you" He delivers the final blow.

They're flying in, tonight.


Welp, that's one chapter down.

Sorry it was so short.

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