✨️🌻The Hidden Talent🌻✨️

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Time skip college ends*
DIANE: Hi Yn! Wait for me...
YN:Hii.. Ya Diane be fast I'm getting late
*They both entered the cab*
DIANE:So well how far is your therapist's place??
YN: It will take not more than 10 mins!!
DIANE: Oh well... I have something in mind!! Why do you go to a therapist??
YN:Umm. It's a personal problem and I'm not comfortable telling you that!!
DIANE:Ohh okay!! No worries!!
DIANE: Hii docs!! (This is what she calls her therapist!!)
THERAPIST: Hii YN come inside!! ... You got a new friend!??
YN: Well ya I made her a friend today only...
THERAPIST: That's cool I see you are improving... Hey girl you wait outside!!
DIANE: Uhh.. yes .. thank you!!
THERAPIST: So all good lately??
YN: Yes well today was a good day as I made a new friend...
THERAPIST: Yes well I see that and you also smiling... I have seen you smiling after a long time!!
YN: Oh well... *giggling*
THERAPIST: Ohh so you laugh as well wow... *giggling continues and they chatter*

Time skip*
YN and Diane move out and go to the nearest Cafe to talk about themselves.

YN: Yeah...so... well... what do you wanna talk about??
DIANE: Nothing much just about our families and our backgrounds and how can we make our friendship more strong!!
YN: Oh well I feel like I don't have anything to talk about on the topic of my family and background!
DIANE: Oh well I think you're not that open but don't worry I'll not judge you or anything!! ...So tell me what do your parents do ??
YN: Umm... well...they are dead !! I live with my uncle and aunt.
DIANE: Oh I feel sorry for you !!
YN: Everyone says that *in mind*
Well yeah, that's true ...that's why ...I don't really wanna talk to anyone about my parents.
DIANE: Ohh okay well let's change the topic then!! What are your hobbies??
YN: Well I like singing!! What about you ??
DIANE: Ohh well I like...
As she was about to say the waiter approached...
"Well, Hi ladies what do you want to order?"
YN: A Hot Americano, please!!
DIANE: A chocolate smoothie, please!!
"Thank you ladies!! Your order will be ready soon.."

YN: Yeah so well what are your hobbies??
*...We continued to talk..*
DIANE: So I like painting...
... we continued to talk and became very open to each other... but she never talked to me about my parents after that and neither did I tell her the proper reason...

*Time skip*
Next week
The whole week we enjoyed and chilled and every day we talked like that after my appointment with my therapist ended... The days went and our friendship became more strong...

DIANE: Well You know what!! I have also practised fencing!!
*She told me once and she was so good at it!!*

She became famous in college for her fencing competitions...

JEREMIAH: Bro She's so good at fencing!! You really gotta be careful
SAM: You just shut up!! And stop teasing me ugh *screaming*
Everyone looking at them.
JEREMIAH: Bruuh okay calm down!! why tf are you hyper?
SAM:Just because of you...stop saying this shit, please.
JEREMIAH: Okay bro calm down everyone is looking at us !!
Time skip*
After college

Me and Diane were going outside together as usual and then Suddenly...

SAM/JEREMIAH:Hey beautiful ladies!!
Maira replied as she was an extrovert
DIANE: Hii handsome men!!
YN:Hii... (why are they here ?)*in mind*
SAM:What are you up to ??
JEREMIAH:Where are you going ??
YN:Umm.. we're going to study
DIANE: No.. we're going to the Cafe!!
YN: Hey stop if they're going with us then I'm going to my house!!*whispering*
DIANE: Shut up!! You're going with me !!
YN: No... I'm not
DIANE:Yes... you are!!
JEREMIAH: If you both don't mind can we join you ??
SAM:Yes can we ??
DIANE: If you don't have any plans you can!!
YN: It will be better if you don't!! *in mind*
DIANE: Hey YN where are you lost reply to them... (Say yes.. )*whispering*
YN: YYeahsure...*With a straight face*


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