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"Thinking is difficult. That's why most people judge." ━ CG Jung


Some passersby observe the car parked on the side of the street with the same curiosity one might have for a fish out of water. I join them in their scrutiny but with evident disdain.

"Can't figure out how to use a map anymore?" I call out from across the road, my voice slightly muffled by the passing traffic. "Nexus' campus is in the opposite direction."

A shiver runs up my spine as I stand still in the brisk autumn air. I sink my head deeper into my jacket, yearning for the warmth of my thick blanket at home. All I crave is to lose myself in a deep slumber, not to entertain an unwelcome conversation—especially with Gabriel.

"Yeah. I've been painfully aware of that ever since I stepped into this vortex of gloom and bad taste," he comments, halting me mid-step. A scowl creases his brows as he glances out the window. "Whose brilliant idea was it to put a rink here? This place is practically begging for renovations."

I press my lips together, glancing at him pointedly. The district isn't nearly as bad as he makes it out to be. But while the area maintains a superficial veneer of decency with a few pleasant neighborhoods, it inevitably pales in comparison to the festering cesspool of corruption that defines Nexus Institute.

The student body is deeply entangled with families linked to shady, if not outright illegal, businesses, creating an atmosphere akin to walking through a dense fog of deceit, cloaked beneath a polished facade of dark sophistication. In this context, a cute, secluded, and modest neighborhood naturally seems gloomy by comparison.

Gabriel is so accustomed to sitting at the pinnacle of such a sinister hierarchy that it's no wonder his perspective becomes inherently tainted.

I sink my free hand deeper into my pocket, a frown creasing my brow.

"Go vent to your father if that's why you're here." I assert, my voice cool and detached. "He's the main contractor in town after all and likely more interested in your complaints than I am."

A shadow passes over Gabriel's face, the clench of his jawline defining its edges. However, with the road separating us and my vision blurred with drowsiness, it could have just been my imagination playing tricks on me. My grip on the handle of my bag tightens as his disparaging gaze sweeps over me.

"Are you always this defensive?" he inquires, his voice as cold as the gust of wind that lashes against my face. "This vibe is sucking the life out of me, and we haven't even hit the five-minute mark yet."

"Really?" I arch an eyebrow, undeterred by the jab. "In that case, I should stick around more often. Who knows? Maybe it'll speed up the process of draining you dry and saying goodbye for good."

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