44. Hell open in heaven 🌋🪽

Start from the beginning

“Now that you said it, it’s the only part we could never put the light on…” 

“To the point…of keeping her corpse from her family?” Tankhun asked, disgust and pain travelling his voice. He had cried a lot for the funeral. He had let go of every good emotion he had towards Korn. He was still his dad, he was the one who got the better protection from him. Tankhun never had been naive but he often preferred to just love him and to forget that his controlling behaviour was destroying the whole family. 

This was too much. This was something which stabbed him one last time. They were cruel, they were killers, they were all the worst possible but not letting a family be able to mourn with respect for a body. It was too much, so much, Tankhun wanted to just break something. It might be a little late considering that it had been years and years of absolute nonsense with Korn but in a way it also reassured everyone because their father dead, the oldest of the brothers seemed to become more himself again, to not just play in his silly pink coat as if he wasn’t as clever as Kinn or Kim. He had unconsciously hid it to escape the heir’s role but he was free now, free and he couldn’t believe what he heard, he still couldn’t gather the meaning in his mind to accept it fully. 

Namphueng’s body never had been with her children but with her adopted brother. 

“It sounds too extraordinary to not smell fishy…” Kinn added. 

“And let’s be real, if he was obsessed or in love or whatever, even Gun, or I don’t know…I don’t care, I don’t want to know.” Kim concluded and they seemed to agree. “They are dead now, the only thing that matters is how to handle the situation…”

“Porsche…went back to their family home?” Tankhun asked, with a sad smile. 

“Yes, I let Porchay there too before coming…”

“I don’t know how to face him at all…” Kinn sighed, hiding his face between his hands. 

“When will…he stop…creating problems for us…” Tankhun rolled his eyes, the image of Korn’s smile haunting his mind. 

“Listen…Porsche asked you to let him go to his own home…he never said that you couldn’t come see him, right? “ Kim asked, it was logical, it looked logical. 

Kinn thought that it was because his brother wasn’t here. He didn’t see the heartbreak, the tears, the sobs, his headache, his pain. He didn’t witness anything at all. 

And yet, he was also right. 


“I have no idea…how you can just be so calm…” Porsche said, hugging tighter Porchay who was snuggling into his brother’s chest on the older’s bed. He came in a hurry, he knew it all but he was sure that his Hia would need him, need him more than anything, more than his own pain. 

It hurt Porchay, it broke his heart to understand that everything he ever said to his mother, everything he ever showed to her, everything every time he thought that he could reach her was in fact never happening. He didn’t know what strength was pushing him to just let what he was feeling aside but it was surely close to the one Porsche had all of those years for both of them. 

“I am…not calm…I am shocked and… I don’t really know but…Hia, I just feel that between us you might be the one who needs me now…”

“That’s not true Chay…” He complained, caressing his hair. 

“It is…you’re the one who told me this, who gave me hope and I lived…lived so sadly but also happily knowing that mom and dad might be able to see me, like you said, I had a great childhood thanks to you Hia…but now you may feel as if you lied to me when…it’s not this at all…I promise you that it’s not like this Hia…”

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now