26. Betrayal

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(HI 🥰✨️💗 How are you doing ? I hope the bestest you can 🫂 on this day I am wishing you a Merry Christmas if you celebrate and also to take care of yourself for everyone 🥹💗✨️ love youuu💗🥹)

Big didn't hesitate. Big didn't think two times before shooting Ken, he felt that it was his duty and also his revenge over what this man stopped him from doing: his job. The blood flowing in his veins wasn't red anymore, it was brown, a dark brown which had been painted by the hatred he had developed after Ken's betrayal. If Big liked one thing in this mansion, it was the spirits between bodyguards. To protect their boss, they needed to protect each other, they needed to ensure the security of every human around them, they needed to communicate and to be one. Kinn respecting and being appreciated by them helped to reach that state but it had never been this complicated than now.

The first one betraying them was a slap they couldn't predict, it had moved them deep to the core, they had looked suspiciously at everyone. It was hard because it brought chaos to a system which had worked well before. And now this. He had let him walk close to him because he trusted him. He didn't find him menacing or different, he had played him, betrayed him, made him feel unworthy of his work. He had pushed him to the edge, mentally stabbed him and put the family under danger. He was calm, but boiling inside.

Big had learnt to shut his mouth, he had learnt to be discreet, even more since he worked for Kim. The boy liked to feel alone even if he wasn't, he liked to not be disturbed and if he didn't call for him, Big needed to make the less noise possible, but the gun he aimed and the bullet he pulled with rage were loud, and bringing some peace to the heaviness of his heart.

Ken had no chance. Headshot. They came inside easily from behind, more easily than from the front door. Kim said to Kinn that they were going and didn't wait for an answer. Big thought that this communication was already more than what they were all used too but it was indeed still a dangerous behavior tainted by loneliness. No one would scold him for this: they could understand his emotions and Ken was too close from Porsche to let him try anything. The body fell on him but after the first shock he didn't really mind, Ken's death was obvious, violent but sure, it was more important for him to turn his head towards Porchay.

Three bullets had torn up the air. Big's one. Kim's one and Tawan's one. In reality, Kim shooted a small amount of time before Tawan could and it had moved the trajectory of the bullet which ended in the void of the right side. Porsche didn't know a lot in shooting but with Tawan's distance he was pretty sure that Porchay might have been hurt, even scratched, though this would already be too much for him.

Tawan fell.

The apple too. Porchay had been so terrorized that he finally could move from his frozen state, death looking like the last thing which would embrace him at this moment, before he could not understand anything, his head falling down, but raising to the scream of Kim.

"Chay!" He heard, it was loud, scared and panicked.

On the other side of the place, Kinn was there with everyone too, Pete observing Porsche's leg after moving Ken from him with a painful expression of betrayal he could share with Big.

"Are you okay?" Kinn kneeled in front of him, cupping his head with shaking hands. Porsche had dried blood on him and the face of someone who got terrified for his younger brother. He couldn't say that he was great, and yet he was. He could see Porchay alive, they were safe now. It looked more than fine. If Porsche had learnt something in his life it was to take what he had. Life, Porchay, money, one day after one day, finding ways to get out every mess finding ways to survive, slowly but surely. He felt like this after all he lived under Kinn's rules and after as his lover, one thing at a time, one slap at a time, one problem at a time, trying to got through this as healthily as he could. He reacted the same way here. Porchay was alive, he was alive, scared and traumatised by the idea of losing his brother but it didn't happen and he had not any want about dwelling on those feelings.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now