3. Promiscuity of emotions exploding

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(Hi🥺💗 new chapter is here, hope you will enjoy, take care, love you💗)

Porchay wouldn't stop staring.

It felt logical. After their agreement, he rested a little more, closed his eyes, and sleep took the lead. And Kim just stood up, he acted as if he had things to do, instead he just leaned against the kitchen's wall, the one Porchay couldn't see him from. He was doomed. He knew that everything he had decided to do since he received the text wasn't in his habit.

He had been drowned by those eyes, he had been angered by those bruises to the point of convincing himself of his rational moves, when standing now, he knew that it had been the worst. He had in his own nest the person he had been spying on, he had around his neck his hands, feeling so soft, so grateful, but they would close themselves violently at every mistake he could make. And he could make a lot.

He needed to clear the most obvious parts. The board would need to be secure for it to not open on its own. His papers on his desk would need to be tidied, so Porchay wouldn't see something giving him questions. More questions meant answers. He had no idea why he just wasn't firm with him.

Outside, undercover, being kind was needed and he was just following the flow, or he thought that he was but now that Porchay was inside his territory he couldn't get a grip on his usual stern attitude. Just some disappointed eyes would make him melt inside, just a shaky voice could turn upside down his own stomach. His spying and his usual personality were merging under that roof and he had no will in letting this happen.

Kim sighed, walking out of his hidden place. He was sleeping again. The boy was adorably breathing up and down, he was so calm, so quiet, it reassured Kim. He had a new mission now: tidying everything without waking him up.

It was easy. Kim had laughed a little thinking that he was using his skills inside of his own apartment, walking without making any sounds, analysing the best outcome before giving the top and the task made turning his head to check on the sleeping Porchay. It was fun in a way, he took it like this, he had no over choices.

But Porchay woke up, while Kim, satisfied, was cooking something for them, Porchay woke up and now he was staring. He was only observing Kim, smiling sometimes when their eyes wouldn't let go of each other. It had nothing in common with the mission he just did. Porchay had no restrain in just looking and being seen.

He was once again making Kim incredibly uncomfortable. He was somehow avoiding his own environment, it felt really wrong. And yet he couldn't from time to time look at himself and when Porchay would witness it the boy would change the walk of his eyes, blushing in vivid colours. It had been quite a torture for Kim who would have preferred to just stay in his chair, looking at papers than cooking for someone else.

When was the last time that he cooked like this, for one more plate. It had been years, it might have been for his brothers. Tiny Kim knew that his older brothers were under pressure, Tankhun had been kidnapped and since then he wasn't himself anymore, at a really young age, Kinn learned that he might need to be the new heir and there was Kim, the smallest of the smallest one, who used a chair to be able to cook something.

He just wanted to give them some smiles, and he remembered, even if he was too young, that his brothers loved to cook from time to time for all three because they missed their mother's food. Kim didn't remember what it tasted like, it never felt like hers from what Kinn and Tankhun said, but it was a glimpse.

Kim remembered clearly that Tankhun and Kinn began to panic and to scold him in a really sweet way when they saw him, so tiny, above the fire, above the knife, above all of the dangerous things. But then his pouty lips appeared and they hugged him, they were just worried but they realised that Kim did it for them. It happily broke their hearts.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now