33. Heir ✨️

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(Hi 🥺✨️💗 I hope that you are doing great 🫂 sending good vibes ✨️ next chapter is here 🥹 hope that you will love it ✨️ take care 💗 love you 💗)

"K-Kinn...what does this mean..." Time asked. He was sitting on a chair with his hands tied up in front of him. That situation wasn't funny at all, it didn't feel like a joke, Kinn's expression was serious, and he knew him by heart. The young man didn't understand why Kinn had called him suddenly, without Tay, in the evening and why he had been pushed like a criminal in that room.

There were only Kinn and Porsche staring at him with the coldest eyes he had ever got from them.

"I don't know, you will need to tell us yourself." Kinn answered, keeping his calm. He wanted to play to be absolutely sure, for now he was prudent. Their time was complicated, a trust given to the wrong person could destroy the whole family. He didn't expect a lot from Time, he only knew how to spend money and have fun. However, if he was innocently giving information to the man he fucked or the one who fucked him, information used against them, information which gave ideas to Tawan to hurt Porsche. It was pretty cruel to make the boy live again and deform a memory Kinn and Porsche had together. It was moving some pieces of puzzles, the memory breaking into millions of pieces and being shaped again in the colour of regret. It could have been a lot, regret of meeting Kinn, regret of loving him, regret of letting himself be involved. And this would have turned into hatred, in eternal sorrow, if Porchay had been hurt, or worse, killed.

A guilty emotion was already here, and shared by everyone. They had survived the worst case scenario, but the result was still full of damage. Mentally and physically exhausted, worried in a way they thought that they were close to hell. It didn't end dramatically but it still ended badly. It wasn't unusual for this world but Kinn had decided to push it further, to think more about it because in the end, he had people to protect and he wouldn't let any bodyguards betray him or be in danger, or the one he loved deeply being hurt because it was their world. He wanted to put his rules and in his laws, he shouldn't have to be scared about what his close friends would tell about his private life.

"Kinn...Porsche, that's not funny anymore." Time said beginning to fear the atmosphere.

"Let's be fast Kinn." Porsche asked, sitting on a chair, facing Time but free. Kinn massaged his shoulders. "I am tired..."

"I agree. It's getting late. Time, how could Tawan have information on something only Tay Porsche, me and you witnessed?"

"Tawan? Wait wait wait...Kinn, Tawan? Your Tawan? What do you mean Tawan? Kinn...what did you do to...spirit?"

They analysed his face. They stared at his pupils. They saw genuine astonishment. They saw a surprise. They even saw a kind of fear when he pronounced the word "spirit". They kept their silence, Time's eyes shaking as seconds were rolling. Porsche raised his head and looked at Kinn, nodding. They agreed.

"You didn't know that Tawan was alive?" Kinn asked, feeling a satisfaction at the tense used in his question.

"Alive? You didn't kill him? Kinn! I am so lost. What's happening?"

"Okay." Kinn said, getting closer and untying his hands. "If I didn't and now I did, how can you explain that he knew about an event we only know between us and how do you explain that he mentioned your name?"

"What's the moment?" Time asked, soothing his wrist by the friction of his hands. He was understanding better and he definitely wanted to be free from what he was sure was a misunderstanding.

"The apple I shot on Porsche's head."

"Ommmyyyy this! It was crazy! Like, I still remember it so well and the fact that you didn't even flinch Porsche? It was splendid!"

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now