"Ah, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima, you guys made it!" Shoyo exclaimed with a bright smile.

"We've brought the stuff!" Yamaguchi added cheerfully, nodding towards the supplies they had carried.

"Thank you!" Shoyo responded, gratitude evident in his voice.

As Kageyama, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima set down the stuff, their attention naturally drifted towards Sora, who sat unusually still and quiet.

It was an uncharacteristic sight that didn't go unnoticed.

Shoyo followed their concerned gazes, which all converged on his brother.

'Did Aniki not notice them?' Shoyo thought.

Shoyo couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern as he observed his brother's uncharacteristic lack of awareness. Sora was usually keenly attuned to his surroundings, but today, his reactions were dulled, likely a side effect of his persistent headaches.

"Aniki! Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama are here!" Shoyo called out, hoping to draw Sora's attention to their friends' arrival.

Sora's eyes opened slowly, and he turned his head with effort to see his friends approaching. Despite the pain evident in his movements, a warm smile spread across his face as he recognized them.

"Hey, Kags, Yams, and Tsukki!" Sora greeted them, his voice carrying a cheerful tone despite the underlying strain.

"Hey," Kageyama replied with a nod.

"Hello, Sora-san!" Yamaguchi greeted enthusiastically.

"Hey," Tsukishima added, his voice neutral but his eyes showing a hint of concern.

Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Tobio had been briefed by Shoyo about Sora's condition, aware of the severe headaches that had been plaguing him, rendering him mostly immobile and prone on the couch.

Noticing the effort it took Sora to even greet them softly spoke volumes about his current state.

Despite this, Shoyo watched with a relieved smile as Sora interacted with his friends. It was comforting to see that Sora was managing to keep up a brave front, engaging warmly with his friends despite the discomfort.

Tsukishima reached into the cooler, pulling out a selection of meats ready for the grill. "I've brought meat, let's cook some barbecue," he announced, setting the stage for a beachside feast.

"Nice idea, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi cheered, his enthusiasm palpable.

"B-Barbecue!" Shoyo and Kageyama exclaimed simultaneously, their voices echoing each other perfectly as droplets of saliva formed at the corners of their mouths in anticipation.

Sora, still battling the throbbing pain in his head, couldn't help but smile at his friends' excitement. The prospect of a barbecue on the beach, surrounded by friends, brought a momentary respite from his discomfort, lighting up his face with a genuine smile.


As Tsukishima fired up the grill, the tantalizing aroma of sizzling meat filled the air, mingling with the salty breeze from the sea. The group gathered around, eagerly awaiting the delicious barbecue feast.

"Who wants to help with the grilling?" Tsukishima asked, holding out a pair of tongs.

"I'll do it!" Shoyo volunteered enthusiastically, eager to be involved in the cooking process.

"Careful not to burn it," Tsukishima teased, passing him the tongs.

"I won't! I promise," Shoyo replied, his determination evident as he carefully placed the meat on the grill.

Meanwhile, Yamaguchi and Kageyama busied themselves setting up the picnic area, laying out blankets and arranging the condiments.

"Sora-san, how are you feeling?" Yamaguchi asked, his concern evident in his voice.

Sora smiled gratefully, despite the lingering ache in his head. "I'm hanging in there, thanks. This beach day was just what I needed."

Kageyama nodded in agreement, a rare smile gracing his lips. "Yeah, it's nice to take a break from volleyball and enjoy some time outdoors."

As the meat sizzled on the grill, filling the air with mouthwatering scents, the group laughed and chatted, enjoying each other's company against the backdrop of the sun-drenched beach.

Unknown to them, a tall, slender man stood at a distance, his presence almost blending into the shadows of the afternoon. 

His hair was a tousled mess of deep chestnut, swept back casually as if forgotten by a comb. 

"So, this is the guy Ranpo had trouble inviting."

A hint of a mischievous smirk played at the corners of his thin lips, suggesting a personality both enigmatic and charismatic. 

He wore a long, dark trench coat that fluttered slightly with the sea breeze, giving him a somewhat disheveled yet intriguing appearance. His eyes, sharp and observant, seemed to capture every detail around him, especially focusing on Sora with an intensity that was both curious and unsettling.

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