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You walk down the hallways, passing a few soldiers. They all looked as if they were in a hurry, not like they usually acknowledged you.

You made your way into a big room that had chairs neatly placed around a table and you quickly checked your wristwatch.


Fuck yes. I'm not late.

Not all soldiers were here yet. But there still were a lot of them in the room already. Some turned their head towards you and it felt like they bore holes into you with their stares.

As usual.

After all, it was almost comical. They all were muscular, grown and giant men. When you were a small female with not much muscle strength.

You could still bring all of them down tho.

But yeah, it was good to say that you weren't always liked by most of the people at the base. You always just ignored them, because they couldn't lay a hand on you. Otherwise they would be kicked off the team, which was comical as well.

Your eyes wavered around under your balaclava, spotting a familiar face. A face that made your eyes light up slightly and a small smile form on your face.

You walked towards the seat next to a big man with black skin. He was bald and was in his early 30s. He welcomed you by waving, smiling.

„Sergeant Zerva, good to see you aren't late."

You started the conversation with a small warmth in your voice. But he scoffed, speaking with a fake and overly dramatic voice, instead of returning your tone.

„Me? Late? I would never. But its damn good to see you are alive. Haven't heard from you in four days, Siper."

„I was busy." You say while sitting down.

„Busy? Next time your busy, let me at least know you haven't died. Otherwise I will barge into your room."

„Fine, fine. You've got me. I'll text you next time." You could feel the smile on your face growing. He always knew how to make you feel better after working the night trough.

But then you felt the sore feeling of your legs being folded because of sitting, again.

You sighed, but then the man smiled softly, pulling something out of his pocket and holding it out to you.

„Of course I didn't forget your chocolate tho, маленький цветок." - (little flower)

You felt yourself gasp and then smile widely. All under the fabric of your mask. Oh how you loved being friends with this man.

Sergeant Alexei Zerva.

One of the only Soldiers in this organization who you were actually really good friends with.

You grabbed the small chocolate bar.

„Fuck yes. Now I really ain't gonna ghost you anymore."

The man made a small motion of his hand into a fist. Indicating his victory.

„Good to know I can still bribe you, Siper, you love your damn chocolates."

—————— ——————

The meeting went by slowly. It was the same boring stuff as always. The other sergeant was telling you about a new training routine and then your colonel went up to speak.

Colonel Igor "IA" Ashko.

He explained soon upcoming missions and the situation you all were in with enemy's.

His new child, the enemy. (COD: (y/n) x CoD)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat