Fuck it

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Enid pulled away and was extremely confused, she looked at Wednesday who had her eyes closed trying to calm her breathing

"We can't this is wrong, and you know it" Enid said quietly and that opened the goths eyes, she made eye contact with the Jedi

Then took Enid's hand and locked their fingers

"Everything about this is wrong, but tell me you don't want this and I'll let it go forever" Enid was hesitant she didn't know what to say to that

Why did it feel so good?...

"I..." Wednesday waited patiently, she didn't rush Enid, letting her think about this

"We can't" Wednesday sighed but nodded, not wanting to force Enid into something she didn't want

"Very well, We shall forget about this" Wednesday pulled away and laid on her back

Enid remained still on her side, just looking at the Sith closing her eyes trying to sleep

Enid just kept staring at her, she wanted to kiss her again, over and over again until she can't breathe anymore

"Fuck it" Enid said making Wednesday look at her, before she could say anything, Enid grabbed her waist and turned her around

Then connected their lips...

Wednesday was surprised but didn't pull away, she kissed the blonde Jedi back with passionEnid swiped her tongue over Wednesday's bottom lip, seeking entry, which was granted almost immediately

Enid moaned as their tongues danced together, Wednesday pulled back to look at her

"I want this, I want you" Enid said and chased the Sith's lips, wanting to kiss her again

"Are you sure?" Wednesday asked making eye contact with the blonde, she had her hand on Enid's face

Wednesday swiped her thumb over Enid's lips, making her shiver

"Yes, I've never been so sure of anything in my life before" Wednesday took a deep breath before connecting their lips again

The kiss was slow, and soft, both enjoying the closeness, the warmth

"Take these off, Enid" Wednesday said as she pulled back and looked at the handcuffs

Enid was hesitant, She glanced at the goth hands then back up at her

"I won't run away, I won't hurt you" Her voice was quiet and soft, Enid believed her, she turned around got the keys, and took the cuffs off Wednesday

Who rubbed her wrists and enjoyed the freedom she got

"Thank you" Enid smiled softly and pecked the Sith on her lips

"Can we rest? I'm really tired" Enid asked receiving a nod from the dark-haired girl

Enid watched Wednesday turn around to face away from her, She took this as an opportunity and scooted closer until she hugged the girl from behind

Wrapping her arm around her stomach, She felt Wednesday putting her hand over hers, then locking their fingers together

They both soon fell asleep holding one another close...

Enid woke up, the suns were setting, she looked at Wednesday sleeping peacefully next to her

She got out of bed, still in her cape, walked out of the room, and stood on the balcony

Just looking over as the citizens go home

She sighed knowing that soon they have to move on and keep hiding

Her body jerked when she felt arms wrapping around her waist and turning her around

"We have to move on soon" Enid said looking down at the small woman in front of her

"I know, but until then, Why don't we enjoy this silence and peace?" Enid couldn't help but smile

"What are we, Wednesday?" The goth took a while to actually answer that question

"All I know is that I want to be with you, Enid, that's all I want, nothing more nothing less" Enid was surprised but nodded

"I want that too" Wednesday Nodded and leaned up to capture Enid's lips with her own

It was quick but meaningful...

"What if they find us? What are we doing then?" Wednesday didn't hesitate for a second

"If they do, You run, I'll deal with them, got it?" Enid's eyes widened in shock and shooked her head then took her lover's hand

"Not happening, We're doing this together, and I dragged you into this" Wednesday knew it was no use to argue with Enid, she'd get nowhere with it

So instead she just pulled her closer and hugged her tightly

Enid wrapped her arms around Wednesday, she held her close not wanting to let go of her ever again

"We'll be okay, right?" Enid asked quietly as she laid her head on Wednesday's shoulder

"I cannot promise you that, but I will protect you, I can promise that to you, Enid" The blonde smiled and nodded then pulled Wednesday impossibly closer

"Okay, I believe you, but I am very capable of protecting myself, I mean, I beat you up, even cut your hand off" Enid said, teasing Wednesday, who pulled away while rolling her eyes

Wednesday pulled her left hand out of the cape and showed her metal arm to Enid, it was realistic, almost like she had a real hand but painted in silver

"Still hate you for that" Enid giggled and shooked her head, leaned down, and kissed her lover softly

"Just shut up" Wednesday said nothing just admired the blonde's face, she looked breathtaking

maybe they will be fine...

maybe they can live together and have their peace...

maybe one day.....

but right now, they need to get going soon, or they will be caught.......

(short chapter, next will be longer, anyways, drop your opinions in the comments! Have a nice day! Thanj yoz for reading!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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