I don't want that..

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Wednesday woke up early, it was still somewhat dark outside, She looked over at the blonde who was still sleeping next to her

She groaned and stood up then stretched out a bit

Then drank some water, just as she put the bottle down she heard Enid mumble something

Wednesday looked and saw that she was talking in her sleep

"Amazing, sleeptalker, who would've thought" She said and rolled her eyes, before she could even move, Enid sat up and looked around

Only seeing a figure in the dark, she grabbed her lightsaber and pointed at the figure

"Easy there little Jedi" Wednesday said and put her hands up

"Sorry, bad dream" Wednesday nodded and kicked the water bottle over to Enid who nodded and drank some water

"We should get going, the sun isn't up yet" Enid spoke as she stood up then walked to the entrance of the cave

"Alright" That's all the goth replied before following the Jedi, they took their stuff and left the cave

"You know where we are going right?" Enid rolled her eyes at the question but nodded

"Yes, I grew up here, I know my way around Tatooine" Wednesday said nothing just followed the blonde woman

Soon the suns started coming up, and the temperature was getting warmer by minutes

"I hate this" Wednesday mumbled, But the blonde just rolled her eyes at the Sith

"Yeah like you haven't told me that a thousand times before" Enid glanced back at her with a death glare

Wednesday scoffed then stayed silent for a long amount of time...

"Now this way" Enid said and turned right, an hour had passed since they began walking

"It feels like we're not getting anywhere, Enid, I'm dying" Wednesday said as she was dying from the heat

"Shut up, We'll be there soon" Wednesday grunted but felt extremely light-headed, they drank their water already so there was none

"Enid-" And that was it, Wednesday fell face first in the sand, she lost consciousness

The blonde looked behind herself and saw the girl lying in the sand

She walked closer and checked her pulse

"Fucking hell" She muttered before bending down and taking the girl in her arms, carrying her in bridal style

"You like the cold, I like the warmth, interesting" She said and looked down at the girl in her arms, something about this felt right

She just didn't know what, or why...

Enid soon saw Bestine, and began speedwalking towards it, She lived through way worse heat waves growing up

She was used to this

Enid finally walked into the city, Where people looked at her weirdly, especially because she had her hood on and a girl in her arms with handcuffs on her wrist

Enid couldn't care less about them, she just needed a place to stay, It was the middle of the day, the hottest part of it all

She walked into one of the bigger buildings where she knew there were free rooms

"Give me a room" She said to the creature behind the counter with a firm tone

"I can't do that, we have-" He was cut off when Enid showed him her lightsaber, the creature just nodded and told her where to go

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