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Two weeks passed, Enid went through her training, she completed it on Ilum, sure shes still training but at least she's done with that.

Wednesday on the other hand was planning on marching their army with sidious "we are going to naboo" the goth raised an eyebrow

"That is full with soldiers, our army won't be able to fight them" Wednesday said looking at her master

"We just want to scare them chras, they need to know that we will march in there, into their homes without a hesitation"

Wednesday nodded now understanding the plan, she went back to her room, she decided to change her clothes

And change into her war clothings, she took her shirt off, looking at the scar on her stomach in the mirror..

Master yoda did that to her years ago, she still seeks revenge on him, and will get it that's for sure..

Wednesday wiped the thought away, and changed her clothes, she pulled her gown on, then putting her mask on

The mask didn't cover her entire face, her eyes were showing and that's it, under her eyes, nothing, it was fully covered.

She pulled the gown over her head, and was ready to go, she hurried back to sidious "we are here, now go and kill as many as you can"

Wednesday gave him a simple nod, then turned around she went to the hanger and saw her army standing there ready to march..

Enid and Anakin saw the ships land
"What's happening?" Enid asked looking at her cousin, who had a serious expression on his face

"They're probably here to fight, I don't know why, it doesn't make sense.." Anakin said turning around and walking out of the room

Enid followed him "my majesty, you have to leave" people were trying to convince padme to leave but as stubborn she is..

She won't, Enid looked at Anakin "what do I do?" She asked looking at the boy, who was quiet for a minute

"We go out and try talking first" he said, Enid gave him a simple nod and they both began to make their ways out

Soon they reached the main ship and the hanger door opened before them, Wednesday was the first to walk out her army staying behind for now..

"What do you want here?" Anakin asked, Wednesday just walked off the ship, until she reached them, standing in front of them just a couple of meters away

Wednesday said nothing, her hand on her lightsaber "who are you?" The blonde jedi asked not really knowing who is she..

The goth rolled her eyes "and she's the new powerful jedi?" Wednesday asked looking at Anakin, who gave her a simple nod

Wednesday scoffed "I will enjoy slicing your throat" the goth said, took her lightsaber out and turned it on, the red light shining on her clothes..

She lifted her left arm up, and signaled to her army to march, which they did immediately "go back, and get padme out" Enid said to Anakin

And the boy ran away quickly as possible trusting Enid to do this
"oh now is just the two of us?" Chras asked

Enid took her lightsaber out and held it in two hands, shining the blue light on her face

"Bring it" Wednesday told her, Enid didn't hesitate for a second, she hurried towards Wednesday and tried to struck her down

Failing to do so, Wednesday easily and quickly dodged it "so pathetic" chras used her powers to push Enid back

Enid tried to keep her balance, but failed and fell back, the lightsaber fell out of her hand and rolled away, Wednesday walked over to her

Holding the lightsaber just inches away from her face "you are nothing, a nobody, pathetic, can't even fight properly"

Wednesday said, spitting venom as she spoke, Enid got an idea, which thought might lose a limb or something with it..

But it will get her out of this situation, when Wednesday went quiet, she took a deep breath, and with a swift motion

She kicked the lightsaber out of her hand, Wednesday was surprised, she didn't see this coming, Enid stood up and kicked her in the chest.

Wednesday stumbled backwards
"Who's pathetic now?" The blonde asked with a smug smile on her face

The goth wanted to used the force to get her lightsaber back, Enid saw this and when Wednesday did, she caught her lightsaber in the air

Wednesday felt her blood boil in her veins, she saw Enid turning on her lightsaber, the goth walked towards the jedi

Wanting to punch her, Enid ducked it, then Enid kicked her in the shin, the perfect opportunity for Wednesday to hit her in the stomach

Which she did, then again and again, fixing her posture, using the forced the push Enid back, the lightsaber still in her hand

Wednesday took her mask off and gown off, reveling her face to Enid, who just scanned her face for a while

Until Wednesday got close to her, she didn't know what to do anymore, Wednesday wanting to use the force to choke her

Enid made a swift movement, and cut Wednesday's left hand off with her lightsaber, the goth stumbled back and fell back

The jedi stood over her "now who's the nobody?" Wednesday was in great pain, she used all of her power to make Enid slam to the wall

She took her lightsaber and stood up
"Fall back!" Wednesday yelled to her army, which they started to do, Wednesday hurried to the ship

Enid groaned and watched as the hanger door closes "I will be back for you, that's a promise" the goth said before the door closed

Holding her left hand, she made her way to the infirmary on the ship "what the hell happened?!" Sidious asked as he got into the infirmary

Where Wednesday was getting her hand fixed, by giving her a metal hand, her hand was cut off just before the elbow..

"She is powerful, I thought I got this, but I didn't" Wednesday said, feeling ashamed of herself..

"This will never happen again" sidious said and walked out, Wednesday laid her head back on the chair and let the robots take care of her

Enid stood up and watched the ships disappear, she took a deep breath and picked her lightsaber up..

She made her way back to the palace, where she ran into Anakin "are you okay?" He asked seeing Enid's beat up face

"Yeah, I took her down" Anakin gave her a proud smile, then pulled her into a hug "good job" he said and they began to walk..

No way she's stronger than Wednesday...

This can't happen...

Wednesday can't be defeated...

Sidious was angry...

So was chras...

They're already planning...

They need a new plan.....

(Drop your opinion in the comments! have a nice day! thank you for reading!)

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