Chapter 10

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Jisung moved relentlessly in his sleep, disrupting a Minho beside him.

Tears were rolling down his cheeks, as he moved his arms around, evidently panicking in his sleep.

Minho was quick to act. He embraced jisung in his arms, bringing warmth and comfort to the younger.

Jisung stopped his movements, but his cries didn't. He continued to cry in Minho's chest, Minho's shirt now drenched in tears. But he didn't mind.

The cries slowly died down as jisung was slowly drifting off back to sleep.

Minho slowly slid off his arm from the younger's waist, fishing out his phone from his pocket.

11:30 a.m

He looked at the younger in his chest, before slowly sliding off the bed. He changed his clothes with a black dress shirt tucked in a black pants.

He brushed his hair neatly, styling it a bit.

When he finished, he walked out of the bathroom.
He saw Jisung sitting up on the bed, rubbing his eyes.

“Get ready, we're off to somewhere"

Jisung flinched from the voice that spoke up, but he quickly gathered himself and stood up from the bed.

“I'm sorry about earlier... I'm sorry for being a bother to you.." Jisung apologized once he was in front of Minho. His eyes were glued to the ground while he fiddled with his sweater paws.

“It's fine. just.. hurry up" Jisung nodded at that, grabbed clothes from his closet.

And of course, the word ‘hurry up’ is not in jisung's vocabulary.

He contemplated if he should wear skirts or pants. War has started in jisung's mind, fighting to be picked.

in the end, he decided to wear a skirt. What would he lose if he wore them?

He went for a cropped baby pink hoodie with a black pleated skirt and knee-high white and baby pink striped socks.

He combed his hair a little, just enough for it to be presentable. He added a little bit of make-up, not forgetting to apply his strawberry chapstick.

He grabbed his white lace-up platform before going down the stairs where Minho was waiting for him.

Minho was putting on his Dr. Marten's before standing up, waiting for jisung.

“I'm here!" Jisung ran down the stairs, almost tripping that he could've fallen if he didn't grab onto the railings.

The older rolled his eyes at the younger's clumsiness. As he glanced at the younger, his lips parted as he was once again star-struck by the younger's choice of clothing.

He quickly gathered himself and cleared his throat. “Hurry up will you?" Minho grabbed his car keys, and walked out of the house.

“One second you were all sweet then you're back at your usual cold self. tsk," The younger mumbled under his breath, following far behind Minho.

As Jisung was catching up to Minho, he suddenly stopped, forgetting his phone in his room.

He ran back inside the house, running upstairs towards his room.

He looked around, but he couldn't seem to find it.

He again looked around for a brief moment, contemplating if he should check Minho's room.

In the end, he took his chance while Minho was still outside.
He peaked downstairs to check if Minho had gone in. Once clear, he rushed to Minho's room, he went in, hastily turning his head around, looking for his phone.

He opened the drawer of Minho's bedside table and there he saw his phone inside.

He was about to leave when he saw a folder next to his phone.

he grabbed it and held it up to his face.


“What are you doing here?"
A voice spoke behind him, causing him to drop the paper, turn around with his hands behind his back.

“H-Hey haha, what’re you doing here?" He sheepishly smiled, rubbing his nape with his right hand.

“I should be asking you that. What are you doing in my room?" if eyes could throw daggers, jisung would be killed by now just by how intense Minho was glaring at the latter.

“uh- umm, i-i was… looking for my phone!”
He raised his hand where he held his phone, leveling it right just above his head.

“there was never a phone here"

“well mysteriously, there is"

Minho just rolled his eyes, walking off the stairs with furrowed eyebrows, his hands in each pocket. Clearly annoyed.

Once Minho was gone, jisung finally let out his breath that he didn't know he was holding.

He held his chest tightly, letting himself breath for a few seconds before fixing himself.

seconds later, he was already running after the car that Minho was driving, intentionally leaving him behind.



“Where are we going?" Jisung was seated at the passenger seat while Minho was driving with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing his veiny hands.

Jisung kept on bugging Minho, the same question being asked kept on repeating so that the older one would finally give in and answer him.

But it looks like the older one will not break so soon. He was unfazed by the younger's nagging, causing the younger to pout, puffing his cheeks out with his arms crossed with each other while looking outside.

Few minutes later, they arrived in front of a mansion, with a fountain in the center of the driveway. (y’know that mansions with a fountain in K-dramas thing)

Just by seeing it, jisung's mouth agape, mesmerized once again.
These people are RICH, while I don't even have a job what the fuck

The raven snapped back to reality when the door on his side was opened by a man on a tuxedo, offering his hand to help the younger. He is quite handsome. Jisung looked on his side, seeing a quite annoyed Minho. When he noticed that someone was looking at him, he looked on his side, automatically glaring at the person next to him.

Jisung's gaze went down his arms, seeing Minho's visible veins, his breath hitched by how he is already seeing two attractive mens in just one day. Seeing the man glaring at him, his anger arose. Man, watch me pop those veins with a pin.

Jisung accepted the hand with a smile. Fixing his skirt after getting out of the car.

“It's quite a surprise how a gorgeous like you ended up with such a jerk." The man chuckled to himself, snaking his arms around the latter's waist. “I'm Seungcheol by the way. Choi Seungcheol” The man, Seungcheol, introduced himself, bringing his face close to Jisung's face.

Jisung's face clearly showed discomfort by the man's sudden move, but he played it off with a fake smile.

Seungcheol was suddenly pulled away from the younger by his hair, by someone who was clearly stronger than him that he was sent onto the floor.

Minho grabbed him by the collar, bringing his face close up to his “touch him one more time, you'll see what happens." Minho growled, letting go of him, pushing him more onto the floor.

Minho grabbed Jisung's wrist, pulling him away from Seungcheol who was currently struggling on the floor. Jisung, who was currently being pulled, was still dumbfounded by what he witnessed.

what the fuck..

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