⁰⁵plague my mind

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A new moon's inky darkness fell like a shroud across the ancient forest that starry night. Artemis prowled soundlessly through her domain as guardian charged since time out of memory, senses straining to catch any hidden signs of imbalance amid the profound silence.

Beside her strode Orion, now as knowledgeable in woodland ways through devoted study as any mortal could hope. Their bond had grown deep over turning seasons, a faith in one another transcending mortal and immortal alike in shared passion for protecting sacred wild places from the intrusions of an uncaring world beyond green borders.

Yet something eluded even their combined hyper-vigilance this blackest of nights. An uneasy prickling raised the divine huntress's celestial hackles as never before—a dark, twisted energy pulsing with malevolent intent whose source defied detection.

She found marks of struggle in the underbrush—tufts of fur caught on thorns, hastily abandoned dens. Her sprites spoke of unfamiliar shadows glimpsed at twilight, and sounds in the night that did not belong.

Artemis voiced her concerns to Orion one eve as they watched the moon rise. "Some darkness has entered my realm, though I cannot place its source. The balance feels uneasy—we must be vigilant, my friend."

Orion nodded, always trusting in Artemis' immortal intuition. "Say the word, and I will scout the outer fringes for any signs of threat. No harm shall come to your domain while I draw breath."

The next morning, Orion departed at first light to survey the forest borders. Artemis prayed to her patron the moon for his safety. All seemed peaceful that day as she went about her duties.

But at dusk, a panic swept through the forest like wildfire. Her sprites came shrieking that a massive shadowy beast had been sighted, leaving a trail of carnage in its wake. Artemis flew into the sky on silver wings, seeking the source of this evil.

In a clearing she found Orion with bow drawn, facing off against a hulking wraith-like form unlike any demon she had encountered. It reeked of death and decay, clawing at the earth as it circled Orion hungrily.

With a cry, Artemis loosed a rain of arrows down upon the abomination. It howled in anguish and dissipated into foul smoke, essence banished back to the nether realm.

Panting, Orion turned to her with gratitude. "You have saved me once again, my lady. But this evil did not come alone—I fear a plague has taken root in your domain."

Artemis gazed into the forest shadows, sensing a darkness had gathered that she could no longer ignore. A great trial was coming to test her authority over this realm.

Over the freezing moons that followed, evil seeped deeper into Artemis' forest domain like a spreading rot. More wraith-like demons manifested to stalk the woodland trails at twilight, leaving piles of mangled carcasses in their wake.

The sprites and creatures grew more disturbed, fleeing from their usual haunts. Even Artemis' sacred groves fell eerily still and ominous. She and Orion worked tirelessly to track and banish the spreading plague, but the horrors seemed without end.

One grim dawn they found an entire herd of deer slaughtered and partially devoured near a moonlit glade. Their bloody limbs were spread everywhere in the meadow. Artemis wept silent tears at the desecration of innocent lives, anger and frustration stirring in her immortal heart.

Orion placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We must find the source of this evil my lady, and destroy it at its roots. Only then will your realm know peace again."

That night under a blood moon, Artemis called upon her brother Apollo for council. He appeared in a flash of solar fire, equally disturbed by what plagued their shared domain.

"Sister, a fell power seeks to corrupt the balance here. I sense the mischievous hand of a witch at work—she has stirred some ancient evil to test your sovereignty."

Artemis frowned. Why would a witch suddenly come to disrupt her peaceful realm? Who is this powerful witch anyway that could summon such powerful demons?

Apollo read her thoughts. "The demons you face were once banished to the deepest pits of Tartarus. Only a deity of foul sorcery could have summoned them back to this realm. You must track their source and destroy the one controlling their darkness, or it will continue to spread till all life is consumed."

He vanished in a solar flare, leaving Artemis and Orion more determined than ever to find the root of the plague. They would save this forest, or perish in the attempt.

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