On The Loose

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Natasha's POV
The morning was nice and clear, the sun was shining brightly through the window. I smiled dreamily and walked to the kitchen, where everyone was doing their thing. "Good morning everyone!"

"Okay, so you're the last one to come here, do not screw it up," Kimiko said, pointing a finger at me. I blinked back at her.

"The peace," Aika explained. "She says this is one of the most peacful morning she's had since moving in with us, and she doesn't want it ruined by one of 'us idiots'."

"Okay..." I said.

Nicolette walked over and grabbed my hand. "Let's just go to the dinning room and wait til Sanji's finished with breakfast." She led me out the doors and to the dining room, where Catnip and Zach were already seated at.

I sat down with my sister as far away from the other two as possible, and we started talking. Nicolette was telling me a story, so I figured I'd just let her talk. Out of the pocket of my shorts, I pulled out a small box of candy that I'd made a habit of carrying everywhere, and popped one of the sweet things into my mouth.

Aika and Kimiko came and and sat with us, joining into the conversation. I kept eating the sweets and adding comments here and there. I figured that since I was hungry I could eat candy until breakfast was served.

I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, so I looked up to see Zach starring at me. I scowled and stared back, annoyed. He cleared his throat and looked like he was about to say something. "Uh..." he started.

"What?" I snapped, and he sort of shrank back into his seat.

"Natasha, you shouldn't eat so much candy. Especially in the morning," he said.

Nicolette turned to me and eyed the now half empty bag. "You know, he has a point... That is not healthy..."

Surprised that she had heard that, I scrunched my brow angrily. "You can't tell me what to do. Especially you," I glared at Zach.

"Seriously, Natasha, stop eating that. Breakfast'll be done soon enough," Nicolette said, stretching her hand for the bag.

I grabbed it and stood up. "No way! If I want to eat candy I can. Whenever I want and how much I want," I said defensively. I felt my cheeks burn when I glanced at the others and saw that Aika and Catnip were slightly grinning and Kimiko had an eyebrow raised.

Nicolette sighed. "Nata, just-"

I shook my head and stomped to the door. "If you people won't let me do what I want, I'm leaving." Before anyone could answer, I opened the door and slammed it shut. I made my way to the front door and went outside, stomping of into the woods. I'll just go off by myself, then, if they won't let me do the things I want to. I'll go on adventures with my own rules...

Sanji's POV
"Aaand breakfast's done! We got bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, cake, ice cream, fruits, sausages, beans, and orange juice! Serve yourselves" I said. I stared at everyone, but noticed something was wrong. "Where's Natasha?" I asked. Kimiko sighed and answered "She got mad cause Zach and Nicolette told her to stop eating candy, so she left." "Zach, you idiot. Why would you do that?" I exclaimed. "Nico is guilty too!" he responded. "But I bet she didn't mean it" I told him. "Actually, I did," Nicolette said. "Yeah but you're still not guilty." I said. I stared at Zach and said "We will go and look for Natasha, alright? Don't you dare leave this house or touch the food. Don't do any stupid stuff." He nodded and we walked out of the house.

"Natashaaa" I yelled, "I got lots of candy!" We called her countless times, but we didn't find her. We looked everywhere; in the town, in the forest, everywhere. "I just wanted a peaceful morning..." Kimiko said angrily. "Blame Zach. He's always the one who ruins everything." I said. Kimiko rolled her eyes and commanded everyone to go back into the house. We walked towards it and noticed the door was open. "Dammit... Maybe someone broke in..." Yato said. We all prepared ourselves for battle and slowly entered the house. All we saw was Zach smiling innocently with some loose rope besides him. I looked at him and said "What the fuck did you do now?" He looked at me with fearful eyes and slowly said "I-I kinda released that dude you guys c-captured..." We all looked at him angrily and slowly approached him. "At least don't murder me..." Zach whispered. No promises, buddy.

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