Chapter 16: Sean

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"That could not have been her? Could it?" Aunt Sally asked Mum.

"That's what I would like to know..." Mum responded.

"Who are you talking about? Speaking in code is something we agreed not to do anymore." I was irritated by the way they speaking in code in front of me and Janet.

"Your younger sister... you may not have remembered this but I was pregnant when you were 5. I gave birth, but came home with no baby. You didn't seem to be happy, so I decided not to tell you about her being lost." Mum answered, shocking me on how much I have forgotten my childhood, just like how I did not even remember that Janet was Jennie Unnie.

"But it does not make sense. We clearly went to ask her about the baby and she said she truly did not know." Aunt Sally pointed out.

"This was what she meant by surprise. She has been keeping my child away from me for 20 years. And to think she would come to her senses."

News started to spread about the wedding. One was the appearance of my grandmother. Everyone was shocked to see the Madam Lee to be in the wedding photo. But they were trying to make connections between the two. Because she only had an unknown daughter, they were unsure of the exact connection. That was until she decided to release an article.

"Congratulations to my granddaughter, Roseanne, on her marriage to my granddaughter in-law, Janet Kim. I am glad to see that my daughter has her eldest daughter next to her. And now, her youngest as well." Aunt Sally read the post. "I'm sorry to say this Unnie, but your mother is truly a witch."

"I saw this coming. She's kept her by her side for this long for a reason. She wants the sisters to fight. But most importantly she wants to drag me to the front of the stage." Mum sounded upset.

"Regardless. If she didn't do all this, everyone would be happier. Dropping the bomb that your youngest daughter was alive and well. And making the public think you had abandoned a real daughter to look after a fake." Aunt Sally commented.

"I'll just have to tell the truth. But I also need to make sure that Ally is back with us before we do anything." Mum decided.

"I can help. She is a teacher assistant at the same academy as I." Alice says.

"And I will pick you up today." I chimed in. "You don't have to come, Mum."

In the afternoon

Alice was getting out of the academy. Beside her was Ally. Should I call her Rosalie? We are not that close yet.

"Hey... where do you want to go? Should we go to the café?" I asked.

"Sure." Ally answered.

So we walked to a nearby café and ordered some drinks and desserts.

"Oh my. I didn't introduce myself, but I am Roseanne Park. Your older sister. I'm sure Grandmother has told you about me since you went to my wedding."

"Rosalie Lee. You are not my older sister. You just stole my mother from me. Now she does not even recognise me." Ally spoke with tears in her eyes.

"You brat! Why are you saying that to your sister?" Alice said.

"Stop it Alice. She's just as confused as I was." I stopped Alice from being mean. "I don't know what Grandmother has told you. But I am your older sister. And Mum- she is our mother just like how my mother, Sandra Park, is your mother. If you could just come home and have a talk with Mum."

"Ok. Fine."

At the Park House

"Oh my grandchild. Where have you been all these years? That witch kept you from us all this time." Grandma came in.

Ally seemed to be shocked at seeing the family. She grew up in that household alone, so seeing everyone must've been very different. We all sat down at the living room. All eyes were on Ally. Janet was holding my hand after she realised that I was breathing a bit too hard.

"Ally..." Mum was crying. "Sorry I did not find you. What do you want to know? Mum will tell you everything."

"Who is my dad?" Ally asked.

"Is this a joke? You don't have a dad. You have two mums. Didn't Eonni explain it to you already?" Alice shouted.

"Alice! Stop it." Aunt Sally scolded.

"That's a valid question. Well. I actually don't know your biological father. Your mother went through egg retrieval and we chose an anonymous sperm donor that looked similar to me. We then went through IVF twice with my uterus as the house. Which resulted in your older sister and then you, five years later." Mum responded to Ally's question in a soft manner.

"But why did you leave me with Grandmother?" Ally asked with tears running down her face.

"I did not have a choice. I was told I gave birth to a still born and didn't know you were alive. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way."

"Wait. Is she doing something to you? What is that behind your ear?" Grandma all of a sudden became curious on the red mark behind Ally's ear. "It's a bruise! Did she abuse you? That old witch!"

With that, Ally cried even harder.

"You don't have to go back. Just stay here!" Grandpa said.

Lullabies with You - Chaennie AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat